If you want some info on the company or something all you have to do is ask. No need to snoop around the internet/neighborhood like investigative detectives.
Again, we are shipping, we're understaffed and can use help from this community to be the company you guys need us to be. We're not sitting around mining with your rigs, we're just trying to get them out the door as fast as possible ad using everyone to do so. Customer service and sales is slipping because of that.
We need help from local guys from this forum that will help assemble, right now we're only getting 10-25 units out a day, we can build/assemble and ship faster if we get some help. Compensation will be given of course.
Finding bitcoin hardware savy minded people is hard enough and taking the time to teach people how to run cgminer / test boards / assemble units, slows us down. We're finding our pace and things are speeding up, but again this thread is just getting worse and worse.
Having someone monitor and deal with just this thread seems like a full time job - So if someone out there would like to be official AMT thread monitors and relay back with AMT - we're open to that as well. Compensation will be given of course.
Delays are due to labor issues and lack of staff. We've said this several times. After giving extra modules, and coming in on an at cost of sale if not over basis. our funds are tight, and payments for overtime quick turn pcb production is brutal - therefore assembly staff on weekends and at time and half are running things quit thin.
This thread has both a positive and negative impact on sales. Some of the forum members seem to have made a hobby out trying to make us look bad, but really that's fine, we're not upset about it. Staying at the top of this section is actually a good thing, good or bad.
We don't want to be like Hashfast, or BFL - we don't want people to loose money and this community has the power to help us become the best company in america. But no great american company became great without the right people and staff.
Strength in numbers men.
So again - any locals with a pair of hands or a set of wits that wants to help (and get some payment for it) please email [email protected]
Payment can be in BTC/USD under the table - as well as free daily Cheeseteaks with or without.
Dear IRS,
It pains me to report a fellow Bitcoiner, but considering that the Jewish Bulgarian Freemasons Gimp has never been known to lie, please note that one of Bitcoin's finest, aspiring to oversee the Greatest Company on Earth, is avoiding the paying of taxes that most upstanding Americans have to pay.
Also, please look over the tax code to see if free daily Cheesesteaks, with or without milk from Hanna's left tit, has to be reported, and if so, on what numbered form? I'm guessing Form33 for some reason, but correct me if I'm mistaken.
Bruno Kucinskas