Why not, instead of this aggressive, sarcastic, unproductive method where all you gain are enemies and haters, try a more polite approach and actually state what it is you want to know and what you would like to see.
I really do not understand your behaviour, it is like a spoilt child at Christmas waiting for his presents.
I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't start outright trolling too now as that seems to be the only surefire way to get a response.
Is it something you've considered? With the halvening almost upon us there's a good chance bitcoin's price will continue to increase in the short-term so starting the crowdfunding sooner might give you more funds for the long term.
I apologise, the crowdfunding options have been looked at and are now in the process of being drawn up by Gregory Betz (quantumgravity). I will have a meeting with him this evening and go over the options and also look to pubishing some information on the forthcoming crowdsale here as soon as possible
I really hope nobody is considering a crowd sale for a project previously promised to sterlingcoin (not delivered) then promised to Silkcoin (not delivered) and now claiming no responsibility for Silkcoin... please correct me if in wrong.. isn't this all about Silkcoin? Or have I entered some strange parallel universe.. starting to look like a cash grab for unlimited development time.. If it's been years already, and this isn't a new coin coded from scratch.. with a team of 5 developers?? That can't seem to produce e even a website or a block explorer for the coin being sold on poloniex despite spending more time arguing with the facts then actually developing solutions.. red flags popping up folks. More and more of them.
Lol I don't know how much cheap Silkcoin you're trying to accumulate but I'm starting to admire all the effort you're putting in.