Hi, everybody. Good people help. I like to fight it? windows 10 latest build (1 day as supplied) map of NVIDIA 1060 6g 398.36
GPU 0: has 10 CUs
GPU 0: primorial = 13082761331670030 (54 bits)
GPU 0: sieve size = 82575360 (27 bits)
N=12 SIZE=12288 STRIPES=210 WIDTH=22 PCOUNT=65536 TARGET=11
GPU 1: has 10 CUs
GPU 1: primorial = 13082761331670030 (54 bits)
GPU 1: sieve size = 82575360 (27 bits)
N=12 SIZE=12288 STRIPES=210 WIDTH=22 PCOUNT=65536 TARGET=11
GPU 2: has 10 CUs
GPU 2: primorial = 13082761331670030 (54 bits)
GPU 2: sieve size = 82575360 (27 bits)
Connecting to frontend: coinsforall.io:6666 ...
Connecting to bitcoin: ...
Connecting to signals: ...
Work received: height=2762574 diff=11.65595 latency=562ms
* warning: ran out of hashes, increasing sha256 work size coefficient to 65536
* warning: ran out of hashes, increasing sha256 work size coefficient to 65536
* warning: ran out of hashes, increasing sha256 work size coefficient to 65536
* warning: ran out of hashes, increasing sha256 work size coefficient to 98304
* warning: ran out of hashes, increasing sha256 work size coefficient to 98304
* warning: ran out of hashes, increasing sha256 work size coefficient to 131072
* warning: ran out of hashes, increasing sha256 work size coefficient to 163840
Work received: height=2762576 diff=11.655666 latency=656ms
* warning: ran out of hashes, increasing sha256 work size coefficient to 65536
* warning: ran out of hashes, increasing sha256 work size coefficient to 65536
* warning: ran out of hashes, increasing sha256 work size coefficient to 98304
* warning: not enough candidates (1266 available, must be more than 2560
* increase sieves per round to 6
* warning: ran out of hashes, increasing sha256 work size coefficient to 65536
* warning: ran out of hashes, increasing sha256 work size coefficient to 98304
* warning: ran out of hashes, increasing sha256 work size coefficient to 98304
* warning: ran out of hashes, increasing sha256 work size coefficient to 131072
error: 700
failed with error CUDA_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS at C:/build/xpmclient/src/xpm/cuda/xpmclient.cpp:657
# Pool websites:
http://coinsforall.ioserver = "coinsforall.io";
port = "6666";
# Your XPM payout address
address = "myadr";
# You can give this machine a custom name
# Computer name is used as default
#name = "min1";
# GPU crash handling (properly untested feature):
# 0 - do nothing
# 1 - close miner application
# 2 - reboot system (need superuser rights)
onCrash = "0";
# - Valid cpuload range: 0 to 4
# - More than 2 does not make sense
# - You can use 0 for really slow CPUs
cpuload = "1";
# Target Cunningham chain length, default = auto (adjust to difficulty)
target = "auto";
# Sieve size in stripes (1 stripe = 16384 bits), recommended 420 for AMD, 210 for NVidia
# Big sieve size gives more candidates with less prime probability
sieveSize = "210";
# Weave depth (primes number count using by sieve), recommended 40960 for AMD, 65536 for NVidia
# Big weave depth increases prime probability, but sieve generate less candidates
weaveDepth = "65536";
# Sieve layers number, optimal value is target*2; default = auto (target*2)
width = "auto";
# Sieve window size
windowSize = "12288";
# Maximal bit size of multipliers using with primorials 13, 14 and 15;
# Default values are 26, 33, 36
# Less values increases prime probability, but sieve generate less candidates
multiplierLimits = ["24", "31", "35"];
# - The following settings have one entry per GPU
# - If you have more than 4 just add more entries or leave it as is to use defaults
# - All entries must be separated by commas and set between double quotes
# 0 = don't use device
# 1 = use device
devices = ["1", "1", "1"];
# sieves per round value, default = 5
sievePerRound = ["5", "5", "5"];
# -1 means don't change; not supported for NVidia
corefreq = ["-1", "-1", "-1"];
memfreq = ["-1", "-1", "-1"];
powertune = ["-1", "-1", "-1"];
fanspeed = ["-1", "-1", "-1"];