if we want to get rid of shitcoins we need to eliminate shitpeople.
shitpeople are the ones making the shitcoins.
they created the shitblizzard and its fault the winds of shit are blowing in their direction.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srq_MbsUTuMconvince people to stop buying the shitcoins and the shitdevs will leave.
Get rid of coinmarketcrap, or only create a place for 20 coins.
ya got a point.
coinmarketcrap gives legitimacy to turdcoins. it even makes it seems like trading turds on shitexchanges makes you into some sort of investor.
the whole thing is fucked when you think about.
some days i feel like a lot of the people in crypto are small childen dressed up in adult clothing and play acting at business.
its hard to believe that real game changing tech is going to emerge from this shithole.
but it is possible and i keep believing.
I had to harass the hell out of the guy who runs that site for a LOOOOOOONG time to fix his site !
over and over i would pop up and put it on him.. and that was he had his site setup in scammy way..
time after time he would ignore me and fanboys would attack me and they would carry on their little scams tightly integrated with CoinMarketCrap
i stopped going to that site in like maybe AUG 2013 roughly i think.
I have concrete proof that there was scam scheme being pulled with coinmarket cap and the fake market cap data's
and there was a guy selling trader tips with insider knowledge for a fee !
this guy selling the TIP had insider knowledge far in advance of a coin being added to coinmarketcap and he knew almost guaranteed
that it meant this new coin being added was going to end up being added at the TOP 5 position causing a HUGE uproar and surge in popularity from out of no where !
i was like the only guy who got the tip.. when he tried to sell it no one would bite pretty much. BUT !
he PM'd me the trade tip in full !
and had i exploited the trade tip myself i would be rich right now.. in a way i am kind bummed i didn't LOL
Basically before AUR went on any exchanges and was selling for almost nothing the guy pm's me it was going on coinmarketcap
and that it would be on the top by market cap.. he was right that is exactly what happened like 2 weeks later or longer i forget..
and we all know that was a key factor why AUR exploded up to around $15 to $20 a coin !
I could have been rich !
But, i refused to get involved in the scam.. i have my limits lol
Before and after that i kept harassing the guy who ran the site and i asked him.. how did that guy selling the tip know this weeks in advance guaranteed ?
If this was all regulated like the US stock exchanges all those guys would be doing hard time right now.
I kept telling the guy you think it's fair for a coin to have a 90% premine and have the premine used as market cap data ?
argue.. or ignore.. troll me.. call me a troll.. fight me etc etc over and over
and guess what ?
they NOW use modified data exactly like i pointed out (last i checked) denoting premined coins..
but i had to fight them by myself stretching from 2013 into 2014 to get them to do that or they would STILL be scamming people !
so ohh yeaaah screw that dumb scammy site lol