so take that away then what am i left with ?
I don't think so called anonymous coins have any usefulness at all !
First, Monero isn't anonymous. It does provide some privacy enhancements which are necessary for certain real world applications. I respect that you have no need for these privacy features. However consider this:
Multinational corporation with offices in 100+ countries that earns money in some and loses in others. The new locations are funded by the successful ones overseas. There are a few thousand of these corporations globally. They all have the challenge of international settlement and would deeply benefit from a crypto currency that would allow them to do this.
They won't use Bitcoin because it hasn't the privacy they need innately. They could get the privacy they need with Bitcoin, but doing that requires a level of expertise and care that makes it prohibitive for them to delegate to low level functionaries around the world.
Why do they need privacy? Because they are competitive enterprises. Bitcoin public block chain is easily inspected and easily deconstructed. The MNC's competition can see what direction they are going and that provides an advantage to the competitor of those that would use Bitcoin for this purpose.
CryptoNote provides this privacy innately. Consider the users of CryptoNote's first implementation. These weren't dark net illicit scoundrels, they were business people. The MNC is the sweet spot for crypto currency. There is 1000x more money in use there than the illicit trade, it moves faster, and it is what the world today is built upon.
An end note from a reformed former political junkie: if you can sell Monero to big corporations on that basis, you will have influential "friends in court" to fend off any Drug-War-style crackdown on anonymous currencies by TPTB. Of course, that means you gotta schmooze them - perhaps through hitting it off with their kids...
Multinational Corporations have come to me looking to answer this problem. Some are already doing it.
Monero is still too immature, not enough liquidity yet, and the MNC decision cycles are not short, but if CryptoNote continues on the current path, it is the best contender yet for new entrants from that constituency.