this whole thread has the stink of a bunch of sore losers who got their arseholes shredded apart by AUR and MZC and now need to shit in everybody elses kool-aid. just take the loss and move on, you'll never make money trading with this attitude. or is your money gone?
hey greedy corrupt scumbag.. i guarantee i make waaaaay more than you and i do it with class and integrity.
i have no need to get involved in scam coins to make money.. those of you that do are simply to stupid and take the easy way out
because it's the only way you sad pathethic nubs can make any money.
Jealous ? wow never hard that before ..spare me that tired old recycled half wit excuse for bad behavior.. come up with some new material.
I can make more than bragging dipshit flash mining brats on ANY scam coins any day any time .
and AUR ? want to read my PM i got from a guy who suggested a i invest in it before it went on coinmarket cap ?
i can do what ever i wish but i CHOOSE to use discipline and maturity and yes even intelligence.
No skills in trading = nublets have no other way to make money except flash mining a new scam coin daily
hence why you guys *try and make dumb ass excuses for it all (and as usual fail miserably doing so)
and that stink you talk of i quoted is you and guys like you who make excuses for mind shatteringly retarded corrupt scammy behavior..
lets put this into perspective shall we.. i quoted you talking about AUR, now care to tell us how much of it was Pre-mined ?
nuff said ..consider your ass owned.
all i can invision here is if we got rid of a lot of coins we would have more volume on coins that deserve it.. think about what *could be.