I don't think it's comparable, but I don't think it can honestly be compared or dismissed, ether (due to underreporting)
Oh yes! And rape for women is never under-reported! Of course. It can be dismissed, because even when fully reported it doesn't approach the daily reality of the rape culture women must deal with. Again, this is Feminism 101, you can't claim to know anything about this subject if you aren't aware of it.
I don't claim to know everything on the subject and have not taken Feminism 101 (is that one of your homeschooling classes?). I've only claimed that I am a supporter. And that I'm willing to learn. Though the other girls I hang out with don't seem to have this "daily reality of rape culture." It's not something they seem to be too worried about. I don't know if it's because they are just stronger, or are better at hiding it, or if you are somewhat of an exception with your fear (which, with your experience, can be expected).
I wonder what the statistics are for girls who were raped who attempt suicide?
Oh great! Another one! It isn't real rape if you don't do the honorable thing and kill yourself over it! Your pain doesn't count as much otherwise! The answer is 33%.
http://www.suicide.org/rape-victims-prone-to-suicide.htmlI asked out of curiosity, and without implications. Thank you for answering. That does sound rather horrible.
Being born a heterosexual girl leaves you far more vulnerable to sexual assault, and all the consequences it brings. One of the things that may confuse you is that the survey you referenced talked about teens, they have an increased incidence of suicide across the board, but rape statistics for women track all ages.
So, what you're saying is that if those statistics were to be expanded to homosexuals of ALL ages, the numbers and the percentage would be even higher?
...my homeschooling in the morning.
This part actually explains your actions quite a bit. I was suspecting that you were homeschooled, so thanks for confirming.
I think our conversation tonight has been very enlightening, it is clear you hate women and this is the source of your perverted homosexuality. I can promise you, not all women are as bad as whoever it was that hurt you.
You're making assumptions again, and we've both gotten in trouble on here for doing that. I don't hate women. I admit I don't understand some of them, but every person is different regardless of their gender. And if being hurt by a woman was what caused one to be gay, then pretty much almost every guy on the entire planet would have been gay. On the contrary, my biggest heartbreaks have been caused by guys, so by your logic I should be very straight now.
v The statistics are 1 in 4 for
college women. It is undoubtedly higher among more disadvantaged women, and in the developing world. The reported statistics are meaningless, I didn't report my rape to the police, but it happened.
http://www.oneinfourusa.org/statistics.phpYou are right, the statistics are shockingly high. How is it that something so prevalent is being so well hidden by so many people? Or are the 1 in 5 who said yes to "In your lifetime have you been forced to submit to sexual intercourse against your will?" including everything from actual rape, to things like being coerced into sex by psychologically abusive boyfriends (do it or I'll leave you), and things like girls who do it of their own will but regret it later? It just feels like lumping all of those together is a bit unfair to the women who've had to deal with the actual violent type of rape, and is distorting the numbers to the point where people may find them hard to believe and to listen.
I think you should report your rape to the police, since it seems to be still bothering you. I also think you should stop wearing it on your sleeve like a badge of honor. Fight to overcome and not have it affect your life and all that, since if that incident is still making you live in fear, than your rapist is still hurting you and holding control over you.
No, I'm simply asking why were you raped if you pray and believe in god?
How in Christ's name can you type these things? It wasn't my fault I was raped for not praying hard enough. God didn't rape me, you sicko, God was the one who comforted me.
I would never dream of implying that any of that was your fault. I'm implying that it's god's fault for letting it happen. I mean, if I wanted to be like God, does that mean that if I ever see a woman being raped, I should not stop it and instead just stand there and say nice things to the woman to comfort her? That's why I'm glad I'm not like god in the least. (i.e. I sure as hell would do something about it, unlike him)