
Topic: | 120% ponzi | The only ponzi with refunds! | Fast & automated - page 14. (Read 16365 times)

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
Why everyone starts new ponzies instead of focusing on one, in that way more people would play. So far this one works perfectly, the new round just started so its good time to invest before the America wakes up!

Ponzimatic is not new tom, it is a good one just like ponzicoin and Smiley But I think we need a new round and some promotion here, cause nothing is happening..
Activity: 1918
Merit: 1018
I haven't been paid for my deposit dd458fd20f15532a067520edc52243165e77037653f39ce9e6465d0c00532553 when there was enough deposits after me to pay me, it is unacceptable! Next time I will do 10 deposits of 0.005, it is

When is the next round? Will it be a new address?
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Since there are no deposits after the reset anyway I have restored the pre-reset queue and it will not auto-reset.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Paid addresses.
Note that if they redeposit and get paid again the amount is counted again.
These are all payouts combined per address.

19YK387fCbd7GnCvh8xuEEF2PM7uF6mWLM 0.4738
12fdJr8PYgVbfRAPLBPL7kaGCD65cxmvrc 0.41121636
1EUSD5w1DaG8vX2i91iRW9WqVoGvYsimjh 0.28817444
17ksmnJ9YBwTtA16M572uZo835pYAFFtf2 0.28
14Z9B7ywx9dgsoFyNfurgdw81TBPmz3ZAj 0.2
15R2mgseVMNCt1WgMb9N8gotrJAPfgToot 0.199825
1G8nJ8dDbm3MzzLsaEGftYmRtmYLsnp382 0.1264943
15KU9N6vvHNnkujuaFVo64qdBuidF2SCbt 0.075
1BxkekucaRamZzjfiYKKv6cHpFjdL7gZtM 0.0685
1JxQ3cs9igTGJRRSBtEGVkTi73LBwkAPKD 0.06012762
1NYHSU9Qf9DMzPnueCZsFjzpWqcUwsdnZ 0.05899267
1HwZdBqeyiB1L3nXhHtRrFzpRDt7QMUsE8 0.054
1M6JvmmWDzkSCLbhFjiGLz6UKzVkyG5XeL 0.052
187i7Hob5eDM7ymPnqavLEAExxKxSM2yLW 0.05
15mB9cVWRMvqsmdsc5pcGVKvG9MkqfY93x 0.05
1EKVBphrNfbXwgLF19vQJ9FK9dtdsRr95K 0.05
16xHYKkSZJDzpNUpgd1XpHmFDEcrojeWX2 0.05
17RZNpbYCrWYN1YbFoWLFyeoQSYuwWmVo8 0.04929366
1BzdESXbP8enr8W8Npy8bv3GZhLmbfP8yg 0.03254
1AHRSgmKy6QHL3e5DVgeB6JwvZrvPKp7P3 0.03
1QGJCobbjbAWCLM4a3kNFuRbktmAhxayQ5 0.02835
1F33fFLrPeEX2N492ZCQC6dgJeR9d5dQBn 0.026
13Brn153bWBxHwcjXYn1GJLHwBMotKho1Z 0.023
1K1FtL9xmch9MLCqUGjMsjNLWogPH1RfTg 0.02
14ATVFH41J5eM9SiBDwmEceSQWbhdVdAYD 0.02
1E2AevxfiQightJ46YLd5MRPxQMjTKMWZy 0.02
1CnGL8ND6WrHvuM92CttdAK6779UdkXWH6 0.0198
1Keg2dA9H9vR5UGAR7bYkwMCxYF59PDUzG 0.012
1aMWBxZskrFvQc59h66K6UkjtVZTv2JUi 0.01184
1FqCwnExUpPGwGXZMMbpc6zpU4rvDJEPzn 0.01150224
1QDinVWsahg2uCM4zGsUjJZgH9MdnojmMx 0.01140224
1NNi5yubawty1NSpjtLeW6DST49wYqdQfr 0.01
1MiJyXMZ63FPxnkvLQjhNQoX63zAL8Gb5U 0.01
18zHboqYvseSg1G7mzvFYG5miFnf4C8fii 0.01
1JiJs4Lwocou6oSzP9ptJGztdH6ajzVocG 0.01
1GSoXFAucfeWtuKcSqJJb4Wa2bjuon8wkE 0.01
17dkNRhdosptnFPgweGwvLw543aw5KkhaX 0.01
1HATrHGwx7YwLzyxaFywYg1AjPQHmqrA2E 0.0092
1KucW4goEw8badRWWTRgoLHbUNdj2vkpbN 0.009
1Hqtef2SF7b3RYrK8WexGeDVVwuVSbW14i 0.007
1CW5ZBBjz7QdPAXhUhq8dTB2Zk2ftiyqfP 0.006
12QGUee72gRoXPeEGbkfSQQZ8488EYgfKV 0.004
1MRLSe42nMG9qgjDKhP74LfFUov6kWUwJQ 0.0035
1FyXK873LEwDG8p55Kqd7i6e6uxBhHHL3X 0.002
13c7f1uafazZoRrwwV2FgoaWJPVtXGojJQ 0.0017
1PrycbYd7RiLLR2tkKdBHwb4SqNR9asTTX 0.001
1F4m2v6PusWjP1ivb5aXfTUaSUKDKyyH3k 0.001
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
I haven't been paid for this transaction dd458fd20f15532a067520edc52243165e77037653f39ce9e6465d0c00532553 when newer deposits where paid! Can someone explain?

Hi. Look at how the queue resolves:

"If you deposit enough to pay out the oldest order it is payed out.
If not the oldest 1/3rd of orders are looked at until one is found that can be paid.
This ensures a fluid system with quick payouts."

Sorry you lost money. If a newer deposit was paid it was only slightly newer and of less value. Do you have the txid or address of the newer deposit?
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
The site is up but with a new queue since the timeout reset happened.
Are you having problems accessing it?

Here is the final queue at time of reset with oldest first:
1M6JvmmWDzkSCLbhFjiGLz6UKzVkyG5XeL 0.052
1G8nJ8dDbm3MzzLsaEGftYmRtmYLsnp382 0.1264943
187i7Hob5eDM7ymPnqavLEAExxKxSM2yLW 0.05
19YK387fCbd7GnCvh8xuEEF2PM7uF6mWLM 0.07
1FyXK873LEwDG8p55Kqd7i6e6uxBhHHL3X 0.002
15KU9N6vvHNnkujuaFVo64qdBuidF2SCbt 0.075
1AMbdo8Zi461tCepVXw1DrbAzJmXu1AsJV 0.2
19YK387fCbd7GnCvh8xuEEF2PM7uF6mWLM 0.13
19YK387fCbd7GnCvh8xuEEF2PM7uF6mWLM 0.022
15R2mgseVMNCt1WgMb9N8gotrJAPfgToot 0.048
1NNi5yubawty1NSpjtLeW6DST49wYqdQfr 0.01
Activity: 1918
Merit: 1018
I haven't been paid for this transaction dd458fd20f15532a067520edc52243165e77037653f39ce9e6465d0c00532553 when newer deposits where paid! Can someone explain?
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
FURring bitcoin up since 1762
So I was on the losing end even with a deposit 48 hours before the game ended?

Welcome to ponzi schemes.  If you deposit, you are a loser.
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
Daily Bitcoins for your Paypal/Skrill
I think he took it down to wait for the next round, but I just want to see the final results.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
Daily Bitcoins for your Paypal/Skrill
So I was on the losing end even with a deposit 48 hours before the game ended?
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Reset after 48 hours of inactivity on march 1st at 01:00 GMT

The queue is now empty and one deposit processing from me.

I decided not to change the rules for now.

Looking forward to see how this will go but I will not be promoting as much as last time.
If you deposit please try and promote the site to ensure your returns.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Seems this is the slowest ever though the queue is not that big.

Queue total 11 bets
Six of the addresses (~0.5btc) in the queue are first depositors.
Five addresses (~0.2btc) is from redepositors that would go back in the system.

Bad luck to the six first time depositors if the system resets in this state.

Remember you can still reclaim 130% of your deposit by encouraging others to buy in.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Thanks for your great work ponzimatic!

Paying out all the deposits is clearly faster than paying out a part and putting the rest on standby...

This is what I was thinking when we phased out but in fact since part of the deposit is already on standby incoming payments only need to cover what's above the standby amount to pay out. There may be a slight hump at the beginning but we were already past that hump.

Obviously someone will lose but a built in insurance mechanism would have gotten those  losing at least some return.

Also if people can trigger the return of the insurance when they want some may see a slowdown in deposits and trigger their insurance, shortening the queue, encouraging deposits. This would kind of solve the problem of the black hole all ponzis eventually face by spreading out losses.

Thank you very much for the encouragement.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
Thanks for your great work ponzimatic!

But to be honest I don't understand how you can say a ponzi with a refund can be just as fast as one without. Paying out all the deposits is clearly faster than paying out a part and putting the rest on standby... There is just no way of having a ponzi without losers, which should be obvious to everyone playing! Higher risk equals higher returns and vice versa...

Anyhow, looking forward to the next round!
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
If we reset soon I think the next round will be 120% returns with 80% refund on timeout.

The refund idea was solid but I second guessed it in my sleepless state on the second day when deposits started slowing.
In fact growth with the refund should be just as fast as without it as was proved the first day when we had the refunds enabled.

Part of why I phased out refunds is because it made the account balance larger which may decrease trust.
At one point I could have taken over 0.8btc if I wanted but something like that wouldn't be very fun.

Besides how being immoral would affect me, if you people really try hard you can in fact trace this account to my real identity. please don't though Smiley
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
34 hours until reset if there are no deposits until then.
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
If you have gotten paid out please go to this thread and give +1 to ponzimatic and help keep this rolling by promoting the site.

thanks for the game i got paid
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
If you have gotten paid out please go to this thread and give +1 to ponzimatic and help keep this rolling by promoting the site.

Cool, yeah I got more back than I put in, nice!
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
If you have gotten paid out please go to this thread and give +1 to ponzimatic and help keep this rolling by promoting the site.
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