Litecoin difficulty is now up to... 5162! ...with a network hashrate of 173GH/s, and only projected to continue rising higher.
That means approximately 0.18704355 LTC per MHD, or 0.00513434 BTC per MHD at the current exchange rate before fees.
Assuming power requirements of 500 watts per 1 MH/s for GPU mining, that brings the breakeven point (not considering fixed capital expenses -- e.g. your equipment), to 0.00042786 BTC, or US$0.2674 per KWh at the current exchange rate before fees.
Do you know how much your electricity costs per KWh? Or how many MH/s you generate per KWh? How much higher will the litecoin difficulty be in 2-3 days? (And how much lower the return per KWh?) How many will you be surprised at the end of the month as to how little of it you get to keep? The only GPU miners still running after the shakeout may just be in the bedrooms of children still living with their parents, in college dorm rooms, and on the sly in office buildings. Who will survive?! These are very interesting times!
Tune in next week for the exciting conclusion. Same bit time, same bit channel...
Come on comeonalready... I didn;t know you to be such a doomsday announcer... If I had a penny for all the bad predictions I heard over the years I would crawl under my rock and be a filthy rich lizzard.
I've been mining since late 2012. I've mined for nothing, I broke 14 GPU's, I've mined at a loss, I've mined with great profits and every time ppl kept saying how the end of the cryptoworld is near and we should all quit. For some, THIS is not a game. If you want to gain enough then you have to stick with the plan and do your homeworks. The market is flooded with Sunday miners and ppl who just want to get rich fast without even understanding what the hell they are doing. They will be the first to go and unfortunately because of all the hype and late jumpers, altcoins with never recover but what the hell, we keep on mining. And as I said before many times, ASICS will not scare hardcore miners, we'll just have to find something else to play with our rigs.
Bottom line is, this is not and will not be the end of GPU rigs. But if you feel like selling then I'm definitely buying.