I think it is too early to tell how successful this coin can become. As an investor of course I want it to succeed, and hope they start providing more info on how partnerships will work, more exchanges start listing ETN, etc. I just think too many people want to become rich overnight, and sure, maybe some other ICOs have been more successful with their price increase giving investors a massive profit, but how many years did it take BTC to get to the level it's at? (and I don't believe ETN can reach BTC levels). Yes, there have been glitches along the way, but we just have to wait.
It's around 10x the ICO price now, not including the bonus that improves that a lot. That's very good for an ICO. Some do better but many do worse. Considering it's only on one exchange and the mining app isn't released yet, this is even better. It might be wise to wait for the mining app to launch properly or wait until its on a bigger exchange but will anyone be able to buy at this price when that happens? I've bought some more. I'll be happy with another 10x from here and I don't think that's expecting too much. The idiots on YouTube that have completely unrealistic expectations for the price of this coin don't help but it should still be a good one to buy. They have proven that they don't mind taking time to get things right, I think that's a big positive. With their proven marketing success and Michael Stollaire, it doesn't seem much of a gamble at this price but as always, do your own research and don't put all the money you have into it.