My inbox is exploding with failed payments to cryptopia and/or stuck payments.
Guys, If you see your TX ID on "My Transactions" on Suprnova, just look it up here:
https://blockexplorer.electroneum.comIf you find it there and it says "Block n/a" it means it's all good from suprnova, it has been sent out to the network but it's not mined yet, you should be able to find the TX here: can take several hours to be mined.. Electroneum is as crappy as monero regarding this.. (plus all other cryptonote coins)
If you have a block number, it already has been mined and it IS in your wallet - check that you're synched correctly or open a ticket with Cryptopia so they can look for it.
It's extremely unlikely that there's an error on suprnova, I have several safety functions regarding payments and multiple failsafe scripts.. So please, I can't answer 100 Emails an hour with failed payments - as long as you have a TX ID in your transaction list - it's definitely all good from the pool !