Try googling 12 people you know. You'll find stuff about at least half of them that pre-dates 2012.
Have you even tried any searches? Here's a freebie. Google News reports that Micayla Medek had her funeral today, right?
Well, duh, I do ONE SEARCH excluding results from the last two weeks and she's got a Myspace and even commented on one of her friends photos asking if her friend looked like a good batgirl in 2007:
But there are plenty of other comments and evidence of this out there, and this isn't even the victim I researched heavily, I just did a search for "colorado victim" and took the first name to top Google News. Less than five minutes of work.
You are clearly being willfully ignorant as your Youtube account comments also seem to indicate (both your current one and the one that got removed for violating the ToS), and your reluctance to let someone else take the money and make the decision shows you are just as unreliable as your last two months of Ebay ratings (before you stopped using your account to sell your liberty dollars) indicate you are. Of course I'm not going to agree to give the information first when you've got such a shoddy record and unreliable payment history.
Thanks for wasting our time, I guess.