Try this on for size:
A designer designs an entire article's layout and imagework only to find that the printer says that it "won't look right" and has to be done again. Does that take 2 months to fix? No. But what happens when the process of redesigning that article, the contents of it need to be updated and now the shape of the article changes as well? Does that take 2 months to fix? No. But let's say that when the shapes have been updated and everything has been changed and now a significant amount of time has passed between graphics designer, writer, and layout designer's not answering each other's emails in a timely manner, we get to a problem of how the revisions should be tracked and what system to use to pinpoint errors. Okay, well that doesn't take 2 months either. But what if the organization you're moving these standards on has 12 members that must all have meetings on issues at a time of day (all located internationally) that they can all be available? Okay, well that doesn't take 2 months either, but let's say that while having these meetings new issues of a legal, moral, quality, professional, marketing, or design nature come up that cause the original ideas that spawned the original articles and designs to change. This would mean that the entire process would need to be redone, and that doesn't take 2 months either, but let's say that in redoing this process, more, better ideas are thrown into the mix as more professionals join the team to replace those less aware of standards? Well this wouldn't necessarily take 2 months either.
Except when you apply it to the amount of articles, images, designs, revisions, strategies that are actually in the works, and then yes- it mostly certainly does take 2 months.
Thanks for reading.
Sounds like quite the experience! Good luck, maybe if Bitcoin really takes off someday all of these first copies could be worth something If I like the first copy I'm going to buy a duplicate just for that purpose.