Hello dear nemgun,
I'm a Xenio investor and I just read your message. We had no update on the matter so I'm a bit confused. What you're saying is that whatever payments have been made will be refunded? I've sent XRP from my Kraken account so I don't know how is this going to work if you try to refund me, I don't know what address is used when you send money from an exchange.
Will I be able to login into my Xenio account and put an address before the refund? Or can we talk about it in PMs?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Yes for sure, you can contact me by PM if you want, we will give the ability to use to access their account, and will send emails to update everyone. If you want, once we send the emails, you can send me your refund address and i will ensure it will be processed.
The team is sorry for the glitch.
It's evident from a plane that xenio is pure scam, nvo as well. Con artists at it's finest, keep you believing till the end
Between us, you already have an untrust, a newbie account, which means a trolling account.
NVO isn't a scam, the multiwallet is out and updates are on the track. We are keeping our engagements, and will continue on it, it is my favorite project.
Regarding Xenio, i am preparing a global refund because of the first round's glitch. So yes, there are some people who went en vacation and i am still waiting some emails.
Xenio have its own github, you can check it (like anyone else). There are excellent developers working on it.
As a developer and architect, i must say that i am proud of them as they work very hard, so please, go troll someone else. Do me this favor, today is my birthday and go away.
Man.... im tired of having to show up cool4y aka gamera2 . you no longer hold nvst because you sold it a while ago and im willing to bet you don't obtain xenio.
This user has been banned from the slack and the telegram, he is a constant annoyance who has some sort of multiple personality disorder and overall is a complete idiot.
as we can see here
https://xchain.io/address/1EWkUpuYcPJqZj2sFFrPayC5aJTJsWH8ih this user sold his nvst a while back and then create some BS currancy called DASH GOLD he then inflated the price to make it look like its worth somting but its not worth a shit. this address is 100% his and hes the one who posted a picture of it. so as we sit here and say people's work is a scam but yet you're pumping your own coin that your are probably going to try and sell.
He goes by multiple aliases and he has multiple accounts for futher information please look at
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.27913033 dude you you don't hold anything for either project and you were not scammed because you sold your holdings and got your money back its time to let it go and find something else to get involved to.
Yes, they love me too much to stop trolling me. They are constantly thinking about me, i usually like them as they use to pump the threads when i want to expose something, but when they become insulting it turns to be annoying. It is sad as they scam people at the same time, and it is really bad.