the damons will have to be included in the games
I assume you mean that the daemon needs a game. For example, a virtual machine would need to have a node with it as well?
this is no problem if this is what you mean
or are you saying a game needs to have a Xenio daemon integrated into the actual game?
i actually have excellent computers at home and i can't run more then 2-3 games at the same time, depending on each one's specifications, i also told you about the upcoming update as it is related to this topic.
you do not need to run the game.
To emulate client network is not difficult for someone who is determined. Emulating game client network is no where near as difficult as cracking blockchain encryption yet you are touting it as such.
The fundamentals are flawed.
If Xenio gains any value it will be exploited by people creating fake servers and gamers, why would they not?
Is there a list of compatible games?
League of Legends?
As of now, we are moving slowly, even if on your side you are not so open to understand how it works, as you seem to be so determined to proof your idea, i invite you to fake the testnet.
How will Xenio work, you launch the Xenio client, you launch the game, the game will be connected to the client's daemon as it is useless to launch several instances of it. Now to fake it, do you know that when you are playing a game, you send a lot of informations to the servers, so in the end, in order to fake the gamer, you need to launch the game, have you checked your bandwidth when you play games like dota ? do you know what kind of informations you are sending with these packets ? What i say is, if you want to fake, you can, with the condition of having 50 computers at home, and it won't be reliable if you do so, we will also add gamers tracking with smart contracts and match making engine.
Regarding the games, we are actually looking for open sourced games, with the next update we will release examples with a game, if i find the source code of dota, i would do it with pleasure, but it will be probably a plugin for minecraft.
If you are only using Opensource Games then all the Code is available to emulate fake connections.
You do not understand that you do not need 50 computers at home. This can all be faked by software, or in the easiest sense VMs, Docker.
which games on testnet will you provide? if it is not financially worth testing why would anyone try to break it?
If Xenio gains any value, they will break it then as it will require some work.
you give an example of minecraft and this is one of the games most easiest to simulate network traffic, quick search here although i have not fully read the paper games will be a piece of cake to emulate the network traffic for
you cannot provide a secure system for staking coins as you can never tell what is a fake player and what is real in a decentralized way. Especially games that are open source.
It's also a bit misleading that your whitepaper shows DOTA2 in a screenshot
I think that i iwll stop responsing to your post, i understand that you are not really a developer, as you try to convince yourself that you are right, i can't do anymore for you as you are sure that a bot could break the system with fake packets, i keep on explaining but you ignore my response while repeating the same thing at each post.
I will ask to ben to repond as i am also not so good in english, i just understand that you don't know much about the project. We may add Dota, but it won't be made directly, rather undirectly for legal reason, the thing is it is not only up to the Xenio team to add games, but everyone can do it. However, stay on this note, you won't be able to fake players or fake servers, as a match making engine will be added into the blockchian, i told you to follow the updates. I remember also that you spoke about an investment fund, i advise you not to invest in a project you don't understand.
Regarding VMs and Docker, software manipulation, i know what it is, i work with these, i hope that you will release youtube videos about Xenio coin multipliers, however, i know that it will be fake.
Xenio could be faked, maybe in 10 years, when blockchains will be broken, if you want to keep on persuading yourself that you are right, so be it, but don't try to convince me especially as i am the founder.
How I can find information about Tickets Cloud?
Seriously guys, you shouldn't promote other projects lol
So, what's the purpose of having your token?
The purpose of having the token is about been able to mine XNOs as you will need them, selling them to game server operators, buying content, access, using them for smart contracts. Please check this