I've 'quasi-known' that the story-line about B. Assad using his chemical weapons at all is a bunch of BS in the same way I 'quasi-knew' that S. Hussein had a WMD store that in any way threatened us (though it took me by surprise that he was able to destroy
everything he had which I didn't think possible even if he tried.)
For one thing, Assad (both father and son) are/were highly inteligent and practical. B. Assad would not shoot himself in the foot like this, and especially since there is no need since he is already winning the war against Western funded mercenaries anyway.
For two, it would be trivial and obvious for the chems to be be false flag operations. The US has few qualms about seeing gas attacks against geo-political enemy personnel as our support for Iraq in the Iran/Iraq war demonstrated. We tend to use proxies for such things and the likes of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc are in abundance for such operations.
Unsurprisingly (to me) evidence is mounting that false-flag operations to gas civilians were planned and executed. The e-mail hack of the British-linked defence contractor (
http://stormcloudsgathering.com/leaked-documents-us-framed-syria-in-chemical-weapons-attack) strike me as credible although I have not studied them in detail yet. Then there is the material that Syria claims to have found in tunnels they overran with precursor chemicals. And assorted observations like the unlikely fusing material found on the rockets and such.
Bringing this back to 'PRISM'... I've long felt that Google is one of the most powerful voices in the media because I and I am sure a lot of others click the update button on google/news like a monkey with an electrode in it's brain when interesting things are happening.
This morning I notice twice that stories disappeared immediately. One was of a Syrian ambassador imploring the UN to take on the question of _who_ used chems. That was Reuters. The page was extremely hard to load, and it hung for a particularly long time trying to load an asset from "Media Innovations Group, LLC". Another was also related to the suggestion that the rebels used chems.
I believe that there pretty likely another PRISM-like program which forces Google to keep their news search 'clean' during times when propaganda is of particular importance to the West. Another possibility is that Google themselves take such action autonomously, but my experience is that this is not as likely as being forced on them. Another would be, I suppose, that such alternate views are attacked at the network level and Google's algorithms respond by removing them. I don't know the news search algorithms they use of course.