Ok, I have read the whitepaper too.
I alot of marketing buzzwording used, too little specifics still.
Here are my legit questions after reading that:
1. Whitepaper tells: "Once people understand the benefits of shopping with a decentralized cryptocurrency, they will discover why cryptocurrency is a lot more exciting than traditional cash back. "
How exactly cryptocurrency is a lot more exciting than traditional cash back? Please explain what is specifically exciting, and how you will make regular people feel it is actually exciting?
Do you think people dream of learning cryptocurrency stuff, or becoming cryptocurrency speculators, instead of getting plain and simple cash back to their pockets?
Why do you think they will prefer this rebate to normal one? Please list the benefits the way I can explain it to regular family mom who buys her kids clothes at Macey's and doesn't know what Bitcoin is.
2. Basically you are going to do what Ebates or Fatwallet do, but will give people XRO instead of USD. I suppose you will get real cash back in USD from the retailers. Which USD/XRO exchange rate will you use? Will it be ICO price, or higher, or lower?
3. While giving buyers XRO coins, you will keep the actual USD rebates for yourself. How they are going to used? Any buyback program?
4. PRO solutions is targeted at merchants, and is going to "help businesses further learn about business development, branding, advertising and the advantages of cryptocurrency.". Do you really want to teach Macy's, Wallmart and others on how to do the branding and business development? If not, which businesses the application is targeted at?
5. In point 5. "Unsold Coins and their Purpose", the whitepaper details how the 75% of unsold coins will be handled. However nothing is told about the rest 25% of unsold coins! Given the huge total supply and very expensive coin price, the number of those coins will be very big (expect them being about 100 more than coins sold on ICO). So you will still solely control 99% of supply, with no escrows.
Who will guarantee you will not dump them on open market?
6. Whitepaper tells:
"POS Reward:
150 Coins/ Block 1st Year
100 Coins/ Block 2nd Year
50 Coins/ Block until max supply is reached"
Will your wallet with unsold coins stake or not? I assume it should not, otherwise the share of ICO participants drops.
If it doesn't stake, and only ICO holders stake, then...
Lets do some math. 150 coins per block with 1 min blocks make 150 x 60 x 24 x 365 = 78,840,000 = 78M coins per year.
If you raise 100 BTC with average price of $0.03 per coin, assuming 1 BTC equal to $1000, the total supply sold at ICO will be just about 3.4M coins!!!!
Now compare 3.4M supply to 78M yearly generated supply. It makes the 2700% inflation rate!!! Isn't it crazy?
Please explain.
1. What isn't exciting about cryptocurrency once you know about it?
Cryptocurrency has a history of price fluctuation which can benefit people rather than fiat currency, most people think that is exciting.
2. Refer to whitepaper... XRO price is time stamped at time of purchase.
3. This is just one aspect as there will be many merchants globally that offer rebates in coins. There are many platform and companies that will handle the rebate portion of the app. We are just the developers of the coin and technology.
4. We are not teaching major retailers or fortune 500 companies about branding and advertising. There are millions of e-commerce businesses that sell products through Amazon, Ebay, Shopify, Alibaba and many more that can benefit from taking cryptocurrency as payment instead of just traditional credit and debit cards.
5. Refer to ANN.
6. You are not taking into account all the coins being released for incentives and rewards compared to 78M, the inflation rate will be is much lower and this is only for the first year.
Best regards,
You are avoiding my questions and just put bullshit in answer.
1. Cryptocurrency is exciting for us, but not to the general public yet. I conclude you have no idea on how to make it attractive to regular people.
2. I have read the whole white paper. There is no answer there. XRO price is stamped by which value exactly? Exchanges price or what?
3. You avoid giving information. What are the companies which you have appointed already to offer rebates in XRO coins? Please list them one by one. If you have none - it means you will only use the ones who already pay real $$$ via ebates and multiple other sites. That wont work. Also you avoided my question about buybacks. It means you are going to give users worthless XRO and get the real money for yourself only.
4. Please list every company you have appointed up to now (if there are any).
5. This one was bad!!
There is ZERO information in ANN about who will hold 25% of unsold coins. My conclusion - you avoid answering because you are going to DUMP those XRO to market!6. Hey, you seem to have problem with maths. And look to avoid using numbers at all. I suppose thats because your expertise is in drawing nice pictures and diagrams (like you have in ANN and whitepaper), than in math or business.
Even if you crazily dilute the investments by giving another 3M coins to random people for FREE, the supply will become 6-7M. With inflation of 78M coins per first year, this still means more than 1000% annual inflation!!
- the investors who will pay real BTC on ICO, will be screwed, because you will give huge amount of coins to random people for free
- the staking rate is absolutely unacceptable. This is actually a high-PoS coin, which will drop in value like crazy, even before you dump the unsold coins.
I feel like investors get screwed, unless escrows do something very soon.