There are amongst us a group of people who believe that while there is no proof that God exists, there also is no proof that He doesn't exist.
Which god? But even ignoring that fact.
The evidence for non-existence is circumstantial as there is no physical evidence of his/her/it existence. But here is the circumstantial evidence:
- no physical evidence
- 'God' of different cultures, 'revealed' himself/herself/itself at various periods in distant past to a few individuals spoke fluent English, Arabic, Aramaic or Hebrew. The wisdom he provided does not meet the very basic standard of human morality or social justice of today. If he wanted to guide men and women, he would interact with the physical realm, update his/her holy books etc.
- this imaginary god supposedly created world with all the universes about 13.8 billion of years ago. Then waited about 9 billion years to create Earth in this particular universe, and another 4.5 billion to create humans in his own image. His works ethic are, well, questionable. Why the wait?
- why did he created imperfect human body: why we have jaw that does not fit all the teeth, our immune system is in constant war with viruses and bacteria? He is either lazy or is constantly fighting diseases himself, viruses/bacteria which he himself created? I hope he has a good health plan.
Now more specific points about Christianity:
- Jesus of Nazareth is a myth. Many historians already debunked this myth. youtube Richard Carrier
- nobody demonstrated virgin birth since 'birth of Christ', physically impossible to conceive without human sperm penetrating egg wall. But people who wrote the story did not know that.
- why would god want to be killed to forgive human sins, he could have just forgive them and be done with it. Again, the novelist who wrote the story did not think this through.
- why he wants to torture people who use their brain he/she himself/herself gave them in the first place. He behaves very ungodly, very human like. Perhaps because he is an imaginary construct devised by the 1st century publicist.
- water cannot be turned into wine, the cracker you eat during mass does not turn into flesh of Christ, nobody can walk on water. All these claims are false, so the whole premise is false.
And Islam:
- horses don't fly, never did, never will
- morality provided by this god is on par with Christian or Jewish god, from which the myth has been derived
- raping young children, killing apostates, or gay people is immoral. Only genocidal maniac would recommend such 'solutions'. Maybe because Quran was written by such people.
and not to forget Jewish god:
- 40 years in the dessert, parting sea waters and manna from heaven sounds as ridiculous as tooth fairies, or flat Earth.
- 600+ some 'laws'. Why so many? He was lazy enough with creation job, but very diligent in describing who you can beat to death, who you can rape, or kill. Who you can have sex with, who you cannot. BTW, if he was against gays why did he create lambs? 15-20% of lambs are gay.
All their laws are ridiculous by today's standards.
Should I go on with Mormonism? Or you have get the picture...
okay this comment make me sense