I have hear a video that I actually add up to my account which truly inspires me that truly proof that God exists. I didnt expect that really God can speak to anyone in a strange way and ask us to do something for him. I cried over this video because I believe so that he gaves us life to fully treasure and be thankful..
https://vimeo.com/18019701Why did he go to the emergency? All he had to do is pray to his God.
All religious people should refuse medical help and ask their God to help them instead.
Only fakes go to emergency rooms. The real believers would rely only on prayer.
People asked God for medical help. So, God sent them the medical. Then the FDA realized how much money they could make off screwing people, so they infiltrated the medical to plunder people. People are waking up to the fact of the medical plundering them. So, they have asked God to protect them from the medical. God said, marijuana oil.
What about the people who prayed for their sick child instead of taking them to the hospital? WHAT ABOUT THEM?!?!?
THEY ALL DIED!!!Those people who prayed were probably sad that the child died. Then t
hey became happy, knowing that the child lives right now, with God, in a life that is better than any the child could have lived on the earth.
All people die. If you don't turn to God for eternal life, you will receive eternal damnation... and it won't be fun.
By your logic, we should all kill each other, that way we'll be in heaven faster....
Why don't all Christian kill themselves, why suffer here on Earth when you can go to heaven and be with your God?
I answered this elsewhere. Go the next step. Ask, "Why didn't Jesus simply take the punishment for sin, and then zap us all to Heaven?" The answer is two-part.
1. God is giving us all a chance. Since believing God was where the first people failed, we all must be tested as to believing God. Jesus salvation gives us a time to be tested. Those having faith in Jesus salvation will be saved.
2. God does it this way so that He has an excuse to reward us in ways similar to the ways that He rewarded Jesus for the work of salvation. We save some people. We will be rewarded for it. If we didn't have time here, we wouldn't be able to save anyone. God is giving us Jesus-glory for those we get saved.
I am not after you to get you saved for the extra glory. I am attempting it for the blessedness you will receive. It's no skin off my nose if you are not saved, but I will accept the extra glory I get for my part in saving you if I do.
Are you a good net-worker? Turn to faith in Jesus salvation and be saved. Then become an honest TV evangelist and save a bunch more people. Your glory in Heaven will be great, forever and ever, if you do this. I would do it but I am not the TV evangelist type.