Everyday i like the app more.
1. Is it possible to include trader.get("LastMySellVolume")) and trader.get("LastMyBuyVolume"))?
2. can I log to file with tab delimiters and the read string which is splitted ba tab character?
3. do you have any string methods or other functions in your JS script?
I want to log every buy and every sell. And if I buy 0.1112456 at 1000$, then I want to sell that amount when price is > 1005 $. But, i need to check if there are volumes that can be sold at that price. I need to have an array of sells and boughts or I loop through log file every while.
Is there any chance, that I can do that?
Thank you
1. Yes it will be added in updates of Script language.
2,3. You can use all functions from JavaScript including string functions
HI Ighor,
this happens very often:
dont know if this has an impact on the QT rules.
Its Stamp
Thanks I'll fix it.
It shows last trade price but I agree that it should show middle price.
Hello Ighor,
you know that i am a long time user for about 3 years now.
And after the last 2 Updates buy and sell rules seem not to work properly. I have really lost money. My stop loss did not work.
because of that ne bug.
I have the feeling that the 100% / percentages rules are often calculating the percentage/Acoount totals or fees wrong (but not every time). The rule get executed, it appears green after that but no order get created. You know that for example stamp are rejecting orders when the account amount is lower than the new order.
This order got executed but no order got created
Please please fix it.
Actually all supported exchanges have trouble with rounding because decimal count of price is different vs amount decimal count.
It makes trouble when you going to buy on all funds.
I made many tests to make it works by limit 100% amount calculations.
Looks like Bitstamp made changes and we need to recalculate maximum % for different amounts.
If you have a time please test it with 99% and 99.999% and try to get maximum working percentage and tell me, than I'll fix it faster.