"Appearing at the end of the 19th century as a blend of java and mocha, by the 1920s it became slang for someone who lacked mental abilities beyond that of a cup of coffee, probably influenced by moke. In the 1960s it also began to be used as slang for male genitalia.
jamoke - Wiktionary
Sorry needed to define that, that's a curious word to use...
I don't think the negative rating he left on you is unwarranted but I'm curious as to how you can be -1 / +12 and have 0 trust points. I'm guessing the positive ratings need more time to mature for the algorithm but that's still a bit dodgy, I don't think that just because I agree with you having a negative rating put on you means I should agree with that.
But god damnit TECSHARE we're not all secret illuminati members conspiring with the Bitcointalk staff just because we made an argument against you.