
Topic: Re: Black Arrow 28nm 100Ghash Bitcoin ASIC from $0.49/GH/s - page 45. (Read 96796 times)

Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
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Sorry, except this one, this is one of my favorites. Smiley

HAHA BA's biggest cheerleader and self proclaimed liason between BA and the community, Jumbley, who got his X-3 first because, "he kept a cool head and worked with them instead of against them" has his for sale on Ebay.
Here is his post showing the miner in all its glory...
Here is the same miner/picture on Ebay!  Pretty good feedback on the Ebay account, so I doubt it would be someone stupid enough to steal pictures to try and scam.  It most probably is him.

So BA, even your cheerleader's are jumping ship right after receiving their units, if that doesn't tell you they are trash IDK what will.  Oh maybe the fact that you won't refund and keep them yourselves, you don't even want your own shit.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
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Not talking about mining gear (although that too I guess).  They are trying to sell excess parts such as capacitors and other equipment needed to build a PCB board with their chips, and they say they will sell them for cheaper than their other companies selling capacitors and other components(who are their competitors), to which I said, "do not buy from BA, buy the components from their competitors, even if they are slightly more expensive."

They decided that they cannot build a miner that works (and we know they didn't design the chip), so they are just selling pieces of a mining rig to end users.  They have gone from a manufacturer to a whole seller, and are just as shitty in that role as they were in their previous one.  It is obvious they have no money, and are trying to scrape together whatever they can before they die, get your complaints registered and refund requests in before its too late!
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
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Hopefully everyone remembers what has happened since the, "tape out" of the SHA-256 chip.  Remember how they were on track all the while for February delivery.  Then, with only a month left until shipping, decided to break the news that tape out hadn't even happened yet, although before claiming that they were still on track?

Remember how they said how quick of a process it would be once the chips were received, and now, months later, they have barely made a dent in their shipping queue?

Remember how they have said multiple lies on various subjects and continue to lie and defraud customers by mining with customer equipment?

If you order a scrypt miner from BA, I can guarantee 95% that it will not be available in December.  I will have no remorse for you and your lost money, and instead will laugh at you because you are obviously ignorant.  If you even think about ordering from a company that will not release the full chip specs, you deserve to lose your money!

They still haven't released their specs of the SHA-256 chip yet.  Bobsag had to do that, and they never commented on those stats or about the chip frequency.

Also remember how they completely missed their power targets between tape out and final chip production.  They also completely missed on almost every other aspect of the miner, or they have been self mining and have been lying about messing things up, either way do you want to do business with a lying company or an incompetent one?  Come to think of it, they lied and are incompetent.

I am willing to put up 1 btc into a trusted escrow against BA that a functioning scrypt miner will not be shipped by the end of December from them.  The chip must meet power specs and hashrate by shipping time as well, which means they must disclose this information to me for the bet to be valid.  If they are unwilling to take this bet, they obviously do not stand behind their product and are just trying to steal more from the community.

BA, you have really learned from BFL and have overtaken them on many regards.  It is time to die, you have lost too much reputation and are too scumy to continue operations.  Pack it up and die you sons of bitches.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
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I understand your frustration as BA is a bunch of liars and thieves, but do you really want to BFL the situation and trade in a worthless product for a next gen worthless product?  They haven't even taped out their scrypt ASIC chip yet, just think of all the problems that happened between tape out of their SHA chip to now.  Don't believe their lies about being more competent now and knowing the business, BFL said the same exact thing and it didn't work out to well for them.

Add in the fact that their product page says that they have gone for a more complex chip than their SHA chip and that it will be able to do more things and you quickly realize that the scrypt en devour will come out even worse than their SHA en devour, which is saying something.

They will also never upgrade your order, they know their current miners are worthless/useless and if they allowed you to upgrade, they would be stuck with it, and they don't even want their own shit.  If they did, would there really be a problem with refunding people?  If they knew they could stick that X-3 in their own farm and make tons of money, they would gladly hand you your money back, so the only explanation is either they know its worthless and don't want it (AKA they scammed everyone) or they have been mining this whole time, and have no more room for more miners so they might as well send it to you anyway (AKA they scammed everyone).

I am sorry you missed so much and then people were rude to you, I am sure they were just frustrated (as most are) and took it out on you instead of rightfully on BA.  But you haven't really missed much.  They launched a new product that is about average on power use and speed by either now or next month, and are expecting more money to fund it and have it delivered by December (yea right!).  Units have been trickling out, and any unit that does get delivered pretty much instantly goes up on Ebay or something similar.  BA gets on the forums just to insult customers and make false accusations at people and claims to be incredibly busy, but they have hours each day to delete posts and moderate forums.  The lying and blaming customers continues instead of taking blame for their fuck up.  And recent developments now also include selling customer data to competitors and who knows who else.  Right now only email lists are confirmed, but I doubt it would surprise many if passwords and usernames as well as addresses were also sold or made available.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
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don't forget that they are doing it with compensation!  first they told compensation, then they redid it, then they said when shipping started they would relook, then nothing changed effectively screwing everyone, then it was, well lets see when shipping is done.  all the while, they were supposed to ship compensation with orders, then in the same batch, now, once shipping is done, compensation will start. it has been pushed back and back and back, meanwhile becoming more and more worthless by the day, just like their joke of a product. I wouldn't be surprised if they never shit out one unit of compensation for anyone.  mark my words, it seems like it more and more everyday, they will not ship any comp units, and if they do, they will be worthless and used for 3 months plus however much longer it takes from today.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
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They already are. It says right on their website to contact them for a price.  They are selling pre taped out scrypt ASICS.  What a joke!

People, look at the scrypt scene.  The hashrate is exploding with all the new ASICS coming on the market.  They have marginally better power numbers for miners claiming to be out in December, than whats available today.  By the time they actually ship, these will be as worthless as their other product lines.

By the way, there is no way to actually contact them.  Clicking the blue link on the product page just reloads the page.  And going to their contact us doesn't have an option for scrypt.  Real professional launch of your new product BA.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
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Because they are a giant scam and know there products are worthless now which is why they would rather illegally refuse your refund and instead opt to send you their out of date crap.

As to what you can do, start complaining to government bodies, there is a thread somewhere that has the pertinent bodies to address complaints to, and hope they do something.

Your scam is unraveling BA, whats your next move you lying scamming pieces of filth?  Hows that investigation into the email list going Alex Sovu?  Getting anywhere or was it pushed under the rug because you know you sold it you trash scumbag?

Look at that guys, BA has enough time to get on here and delete posts, yet they don't have enough time to get anything else done.  Where you at in the shipping queue Alex Sovu?  Only 40% of the way through?  You guys are the biggest pieces of shit this side of Shenzen.  Do everyone a favor and pack it up and die you worthless pieces of shit.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
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Wow, just wow, these sorry excuses for human beings won't just die will they?  I will be the first to call Bull Shit on a 14nm node process ASIC chip used for SHA-256 hashing!  There is simply no way.  How could BA do that when successful Bitcoin ASIC companies can't yet, and for that matter, any other chip producer such as Intel!  They are just lying to get more money.

Although notice that with their Scrypt ASIC chip and now this one, they are no longer taking preorders and instead are looking for funding from individuals or even other ASIC manufacturers!  There is no way they have the money to do another tape out.  They are scrounging for scraps and I doubt anyone will throw them any given their history of being complete fuck ups.

Justification for having no more money...
Why would you seek partners or investors if you could tape it out yourselves?  Unless you aren't confident in your own product and don't want to sustain a huge loss yourselves.

Either way, this company has proven incompetence time and time again.  In fact, incompetence is putting it too nicely.  They have lied, scammed, and cheated their way through this entire production run of miners, which barely function according to roughly half the people who received them.

It will be a beautiful day when the authorities catch these fuckers and karma gets its sweet sweet revenge.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
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My goodness, this Stuart from Logic Ethos is cracking me up.  Look at this statement
Disasters aside, BA did come good on the Minion, and they learned some important lessons in the process.  A good reason to keep your Prosperos when you get them.  It's a lot easier to manufacture and ship a lot of upgrade boards, than manufacture new machines.  An easy way for BA to get some of their investment back quickly.

Can this guy get anymore thick?  Certainly he has to work for BA because any other re seller dare not speak their name anymore.  My favorite is where he said its a lot easier to manufacture and ship a lot of upgrade boards, than manufacture new machines.  BULL SHIT!!!!  So your saying that designing a new, 14NM CHIP AT THAT, and get a working board is easier than designing the case and plugging in a fan???!!!!?   What an idiot statement.  And yes, I called you an idiot because that is the stupidest crap I have ever heard!  I would be willing to bet that this, "next generation machine" will not have a case, or LCD, or any other bells and whistles, and you know why!!!!  Because they don't fucking matter and should be easier than shit to get together!  There is no way that getting a fully functioning chip and board is easier than getting nothing, which is the other components of a good working machine.  And their investment back quickly!  Do you know how much it costs to tape out a 28nm process, much less a 14nm node?
I don't know much about chip manufacturing, other than basic principles.  My eyes glazed over when I got the talk from BA engineers.  Back in my days of electronics, it was single layer PCBs which looked like they had been hand etched, and resistors you could see with the naked eye.  I had a resistor colour chart on the wall.  Now you need a microscope, to even see some of these components.
Obviously not!  BA doesn't have the money for another tape out of the current design, much less a smaller dimension that isn't even out for consumers yet!  Why else would they solicit investors for their future projects?  Unless their end goal is to hedge risk, in which case, they are already expecting their project to fail, which really isn't that surprising.

Let's make something very clear: You, all customers combined, covered less than 40% of the expenses.
We, Black Arrow, have covered most part of this project. We only have 1.5T active mining (0.5 x X3, and 2 x X1.5). They are only to test if the design is stable and to fix software issues. We have always put our customers first!
Your expense? Really? It is our expense! You have paid us until February 28. That was the business plan and based on that we've priced your miner. Since then we are paying out of our pockets various mistakes made by us but mostly other companies. We have not given up and we got your miner out and it works faster than we've promised. If we were to give up you would have received back exactly what MtGox's clients got: nothing.
And what would you like us to do now? Get our PCB designers to assemble your miners and doing unqualified work? Or should we fire them after working 18 hours per day to fix a mistake that was not Black Arrow's? They made your miner a reality!
You said that you want cheaper hashing! We have listened and offered 14.4T in chips instead of 2T in miners.
You complained that you cannot do anything with the chips. We gave you the design: Here is a USB version without case, without copper pipes. It cannot get cheaper than this.

Check out this gem they posted back on their forums.  Still not taking any responsibility are ya BA?  All your customers faults and other companies.  BULL SHIT you scammy pieces of shit.  Grow up and understand that your word is worth less than BFL Josh's at this point.  Your entire forum as well as this one is an ode to your death and destruction.  I can't even find one customer going back multiple pages on either that is happy with the product/service provided by BA.  Why do you continue to try to create projects?  Your involvement in the crypto world is dead, no one wants you around and no one wants your attempt at over engineered mining devices.  And now, we covered less than 40% of costs!  Then why can't you refund shit?  You don't even want your own product, so after using it for months, you force it upon your customers instead of giving refunds.  Your lower than low and I hope your executives continue to be too depressed to read what their customers have to say about them, it will make it all more confusing for them when they inevitably die.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
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It's the Bitfury Boards all over again.  Anyone else having major deja vu?

Here's how it will play out based on the past, they will identify the problem, which is something they did wrong.  They will find someone who can fix it in your home country, all you have to do is pay to send it to them and back.  And the missed mining time, well you have been waiting thing long haven't ya?  Whats a few more weeks gonna do?

You are no longer shipping X3's??  Said as if you were actually shipping them to begin with.  Oh no, the 2 X3's that were supposed to go out today won't make it out the door, looks like another month or two back in our data center for "stress testing".
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
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dir dir dir, Iv got an extra 1.8M to invest in mining equipment.  Oooh this BlackArrow Software looks promising, let me just do a quick google search of their name, you know, just in case...omg the second link is to this thread where people are shouting scam and liars at BA.  Certainly that can't be true, I think I will invest anyway.

Is that what you think people are going to do BA?  Your so deep in shit your drowning.  Enjoy the icy grip of death.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
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I would also be careful selling these on Ebay, I am not totally sure what the policy is, but if you sell something that burns down someone's house or hurts someone, it may be you who is liable.  Again, not sure about that, but it is something I would look into before selling.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
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Someone please post this on ecointalk as well...

HAHA BA, your scrypt chip is already obsolete!
3 watts at the wall same as yours, and $5 a MH!  They beat you before you even taped out!  Bitmain to the moon yet again while BA is left to wallow in their own cesspool of shit.

EDIT: And able to mine n-10, n-11, and n-12 lol BA your dead in the water
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate!

hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
Some one please ! Contact Some lawyer ! Sue them please ! I really exhauted now ! all means ! I have nothing now, and i have a big loan from my country bank... I going to kill my self now ! They have delete my post !

Kelvin, what country are you in?
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500
Oh thank god I jumped ship and took the chips to built by Marto, this is a joke! By the way you have to respect the guts of BA,
1. They miss they're ship date by 7 months
 2 they lie all the way through it
 3 they send an exploding product when they said they that one of the pro's of waiting 7 months past due is non exploding products
4 they blame YOU for RUSHING them!
Rushing them, oh come on now the original ship date was february guys.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Only difference for me was thank God I got a refund from Minersource.
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500
Another excuse, BA how lame!!

ugabuga, on 02 Sept 2014 - 6:44 PM, said:
I'm confused .... after all the "stuff that did not explode" after all, explodes Huh?
can someone explain?

On the hashboard there are no electrolytic capacitors. Everything is solid. They cannot explode with flame.
This 1500uF electrolytic capacitor ended on this board by mistake: We have added it while trying to debug the noise in the SPI and forgot to delete it from the BOM. By the time we got the backplanes they were already mounted. We did not think that it might be a problem and we were pushed by you (customer) to ship asap therefore we have not removed them. Removing them would have caused at least 1 day delay.
We also don't need the 470uF solid capacitors from the backplane.

That is ofcourse bullshit and they know it..
they have a huge problem on their hands cause the machine is CE certified. that means that if something happend house on fire, human electrocution and its caused by the BA miner they are responsible !!

Authorities would ask the TCD files of the miners. (Technicel Construction Dossier) if is not complete our the product did not pass certain test well you will loss your balls ....

it is absolutely bullshit.

so they had this cap that shouldn't have been on the BOM, but was.

and if they're not supposedly doing anything, why was there enough load on them to blow them and start a fire.

these guys are fucked.  these caps are likely indicative of another problem.  just putting bigger/different caps in the system doesn't solve the underlying issue of whatever caused these to fail.

are we supposed to believe that they over-rated every other part BUT the caps so we'll be fine as soon as they upgrade the caps?

BS.  this is more likely a design flaw that goes well beyond the caps.

Feel free to provide better design if you are so proficient, with analysis and free time. Why don't you get one and fix the issue? I love the people that can discuss a lot of things throw crap and stuff but cannot even make their home PC work.
Issue points only at one thing, that it has to be investigated beyond someone pointing a finger and saying "LOOK a problem!", it's like playing captain obvious.
Hope future of the technology does not depend on such people, that are able to make analysis and conclusions based on who knows what.

Good luck anyway.
I encourage everyone to leave trust feedback for this member - informing people of his association with BA.
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
For those in the US to report unsafe products.  You can report anonymously if you prefer.  The option is given at the end of the survey.
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
For those in Europe:

European consumers network

Europe also has a RAPEX system with is integrated with China that is set up to notify people of dangerous products.

Someone in the EU will have to pick up the ball on this. get in touch with the consumers network and determine how to file a RAPEX alert.
Activity: 120
Merit: 73
I think they knew about the caps.  It's just too obvious because they specifically mentioned caps in their statement to cop out from the price matching promise.

I think it's time to turn the table.  No more sitting and waiting, listening to their lies after lies!  We need to start joining and taking action to combat this situation and get the return we deserve.  We've been lied to... We have proof...

I have a mate who's an Australian Federal Police Officer and he needs to know how many others there are that have been ripped off.  He has the ability to perform international inquiries regarding Alexandru Sovu and can influence the authorities in China.

I for one am liking the fact that we can influence the Ministry of Public Security and bring BA to their attention.

If you would like to be noted in the investigation and hopefully either obtain your money back or at the very least see Alexandru Sovu come to justice then please click here :-  

That is all I need for now to create the list he needs.  Sorry for the rough web page but I wanted it up quickly.  I will create a database from the submissions and forward to the AFP.

I will obviously report any news at hand, directly to this thread.

Please spread the word so we get maximum exposure and build an understanding of exactly how much money has been fraudulently obtained by BA!

I wonder if XBtec would sell us the email list of BA customers?  If you are in contact with them or have influence then it would be nice to know and hopefully obtain the list.

EDIT : This also applies to customers that have already received their equipment.  It is late, not to original specs and now we find... dangerous.  You have been sent nothing compared to the amount you paid.  Please join the wagon, you have nothing to lose!

ANOTHER EDIT : When I say "any news at hand" will be posted to this thread I mean :
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