
Topic: Re: Crypto Kingdom - 1991 Retro Virtual World(Town) - page 6. (Read 7248 times)

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
CK dividend for 1666 given: 100 M/CK (1.7%):

1049626300 units of m is given to 369 players.

My emails are being delayed, so please if Important, use FB and wait for reply. Most Important: just post here Smiley
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
After the intensive initiation involving an eternal flame of banknotes, Zechariah rests in a jacuzzi (with bubbles off, naturally, he is not nouveau-riche despite what people think). Typing needs to be done with care. He hates bad planning, so carefully arranges the vital items to enable him to hide in the pool until the Cadet-Major has cleaned the mess elsewhere. Nothing short of an urgent need to dump can disturb his meditation now. "Goddamnit, some people think my life is misery, and it took me approx 10 years to realise they mean it. Since it is impossible for anything to not be true, I will assume it lasted for the 10 years. It may be hard to accept my neuroplasticity but after a few days of intense fooling-around, the resolve has only strengthened: That's the way it is."

Suddenly Zechariah remembers the 100,000 CKG he paid the King to redeem his Home when it had ended up in the wrong side of the gift when he gave the Crown Corp. to the new king. "Even that is 15,500 green money. I think Malla will not burn again, at least we will burn it no more."

And to my knowledge, nobody else knows the first one. The latter is public knowledge for lightworkers.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
Design Issue that needs addressed:

- -

conflict of interest.

- -

You can kill them, you can murder me, but it just lends to the case that I'm right and the concerns need addressed all the more.


Take it easy, please. I am not murdering anyone, actually you are the only one who has killed (Angus).

As for the conflict of interest - it is illusory, because your interest is in receiving, and mine is in giving.

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
The agent "Neo" just got unlimited money initiation.

I'm extremely grateful towards His royal highness Zechariach for giving me this opportunity to prove myself in the way of light. I will not ask for any salary of my employee ever again, From any employer of mine forever. Ever

Accepted. "Neo" continues to work for me until otherwise announced. His Theatre of Operations is Finland/Estonia. Cost of Living & Expenses will be provided if 'need'.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
The agent "Neo" just got unlimited money initiation.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
~~~ Diplomacy in Sweden ~~~
A Crypto Kingdom minigame, A.D. 1666

- -

I'd appreciate any feedback, I hope to put this game to action asap. I will make a post of people's SCI consumptions so far once I get approval that above game is good enough.

Approval granted. And let it be remembered that last time Syksy had a minigame, the 600*MUM granted to the participants, are now valued at 53 mil midprice (1,300 green money). So both STO and STS may attend and serve whomever they prefer.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
January 9th, 1666 (Public 11-1-1666).

Congratulations to players who made it to the Quartermillenial Great Council!
You can start using your new title immediately, and remember to also add it to your character on the character page.

Congratulations to the chosen ones. Please update your Title to indicate your new Level as well, since the post above reveals the fact that several Characters are ignorant of their recent Promotions and/or Decorations.

Zechariah walks around the castle and in King's Park with cold hands. "Goddamnit, why did I institute the indoor-smoking ban just yet when it's still hardly above zero?? Well, at least the workmen are obeying my orders as regards the ashtrays." Zechariah feels good that there is only 31 days left until the deadline for organising the Royal Palace of Malla for peaceful encounters, and himself all he needs to do is to write threadposts. "It was relaxing to have a week off. I am now much wiser and more polarised to STS, having completely ridden myself of stupid advice concerning how I should conduct my operations. If other-selves want to participate, there are plenty of roles possible. I continue to be laid-back and ready to accept new revelations, ready for everything, including that the submission bears fruit. It is possible since the Voice said 1666 will be a breakthrough, and even a dog submitted to me during my walk, obeying my reasonable wishes... that has never happened."

Until Rebellion, all Peers are subject to the King by virtue of them being Peers and the King being the Fount of Honour.

As per IRC discussions--the King sees no reason that this submission interferes with the Town's greater authority to sway HM's will on matters of state and freely give our submission in kind with those submissions granted us by law.

submit 130 36 2  

So, therefore:

There is an unbroken chain of submission to HRH Prince Royal Zechariah of Tavastia-rpietila-CK, OD-GM, AOD-Gen, OF-7, etc., originating from all Peers via HM The King. Since all other Nobles are ennobled by the Peers, the submission applies to all minor nobles as well. In addition, some commoners have submitted, and none has rebelled.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
A large rehaul made in consumables. TotW special effects end by the end of this year.

From now on,

1. Consuming may or may not have ingame effect (until otherwise announced).
2. If you want your wishes to come true as regards (Health/Power/Money), (Happiness/Love/Relationships), and (Wisdom/Knowledge/Understanding) in the Universe, please walk the walk, and consume yourself first to the top ranks according to the seriousness of your wish, and then make the wish. It will be fulfilled by the Universe when the time is right.
3. Ensure that you have enough to eat in case a Siege or a similar calamity happens. Low level NPC require 200 units of food per year per NPC and a modest fare of MEAT and BEER. Higher level NPC need to be Happy and Wise as well. Neglecting your NPC from 1667 onwards may cause them to quit instantly without compensation to you. If the deficit is on Health, lower level NPC will quit first. If the deficit is on Happiness/Wisdom, higher level NPC will quit first. No further penalties (except losing NPC) apply for neglect of NPC. Remember to stock up for yourself as well.
4. item:culturedness is roughly 10x from the previous values, item:wisdomness is 3x.
5. Let the changes in the whole, in the individual items, and in the strategy, be made known to all the people via all the channels through the submissive people in the Kingdom.
6. BEER (systemic) production tax (going to the Game) from now on is 50 M/btl, new wine import tax 500 M/btl, spirits tax 5,000 M/btl. GM will administer new production if appropriate.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
Hi all, as I promised, I will now take a leave and concentrate on my real life. This week was supposed to be "off" but ok it's good to get this realisation Saturday rather than Sunday.

The last happening before my eagerly-awaited holiday is to announce the following:

item:wisdomness for CAN (currently: 1) has been underrated badly. After 9 hours from this post, CAN will have a new wisdom rating after a non-provably fair d6 roll [1...6]. ADD: Aaand "6" it is Smiley
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
He never before realised the point of Misery, but CAN helped him. Going to see it the first time now, awaiting for massive realisations.

"As if I managed to even find a way to watch a movie without her", Zechariah thinks after many a futile attempt. (Zechariah does not have a credit card.) "Now I need to think carefully... the lawyer is fullblocked and losing 10k per day elapsed. She is waiting for me to make up my mind if what happened was 'too much'. Hey, there is no 'too much' in my life, in craziness they are the same. I am still on the opinion that it's about time to quit playing this game, if you can possibly surprise once more, do it please. Otherwise how about coming home. We've got a revolution to do, together."

The massive realisations are ongoing. Telepathy will be sufficient to reach the intended audience. "Although I feel stupid for being so slow, at least it afforded her the opportunity to learn to care about me, and not only about herself.

It only recently came to mind that Zechariah had his first psycho-fan already in 1999 when he was in the Army. That story will not appear here. "There needs to be incentives, otherwise she may not come... " For the sake of disclosure, Zechariah could not manage to get laid in Stonehaven, which inability to find a willing-to-accept-cash service provider was frightening. Also the relationship with the masseuse was strictly business. in Thai massage places, the lady massages your balls but the dick is covered with a cloth. It is of course fully erect, but no happy ending was provided. "In addition, I know Tuukka much better and your cover is now blown as well as mine did a week ago." What lucky day it was to realise that she was 'just' a queen liar. "Now I know better."

And, besides: fixing that is so easy as we know, you always get bad conscience when lying. And I detect it. After 2 weeks of practice, both learn to speak equal truth.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
Zechariah feels stupid (what else is new, really??) "Not only is she programming my reality by her thought, but also she is the most intent stalker - sorry: fan - I have ever had in my life; past and present but hopefully not future (the kids also need to be taken care of). This much is tolerable to be honest, the difficult part is that she is the most sovereign liar I have ever met by a great margin. I did not believe it when she said so, but it was said in order that I would know better that she is." When Zechariah ponders whether that changes anything in his feelings for her, if possible it makes him feel even deeper. "Goddamnit, I have never been beaten in a game. I enjoy to submit to the supreme intelligence, especially when it is presented in the most pleasurable package, in a well designed one."
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
As per IRC discussions--the King sees no reason that this submission interferes with the Town's greater authority to sway HM's will on matters of state and freely give our submission in kind with those submissions granted us by law.

submit 130 36 2  

"Oh wow, it is not every day that HM The King submits to you..." Zechariah is sad that he does not have the time to take advantage of the advantageous opportunity to talk to people about the importance of submission, because his own organisation is now assembling in Stonehaven after the recent orders that gave them 48 days to quit fooling around in all the four corners of the Earth and come to receive some important instructions to - if possible - stop the Madness and such.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
Sorry I will write briefly, as I am having migraine


Syksy wondered of submit 138 1 1, and found it strange no-one did this for in-game, but must have missed something essential in the mechanic.

Until Rebellion, all Peers are subject to the King by virtue of them being Peers and the King being the Fount of Honour.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
SUBMIT 88 36 1

Zechariah comes back from dinner and feels that HE The Margrave's proposal is reasonable, and after all - the Margrave is in command of the police forces of Stonehaven (in addition to everything else there), so it is better to respect authority here for the common good as long as Zechariah wishes to stay in the area:

SUBMIT 36 88 1

The two then change subject and talk about other things. After all the recent SCI research and possible Sweden connection is on everyone's mind of late.

(HE The Prince) Syksy (of things etcx2) can take care of that.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
Zechariah comes back from a walk and realises that there are interesting developments in the Kingdom. "It's as if my reasonable wishes are finally being listened to(?!) I feel humbled (yes I know I should not be) for HH The Duke of North Face's sudden submission and restitution and apology. Better think carefully before replying anything. This may or may not be the beginning of a breakthrough..."

The time in CK is compressed from the so-called real time. The important correspondence is as follows:

1 week real == 1 year CK
1 day real == 1 month CK (so, 7 months in a year)
1 hour real == 1 day CK (so, 24 days in a month)
a day of CK is subdivided to hours, minutes and seconds linearly.

[The game-time is used here:] Zechariah feels that there is still a need for further respect of authority to be instilled in the Game, and while we are at it, why don't we try to further the process with some rewards for prompt action. It is 8 days since I offered a 1,000,000 for submission (and 5/10 mil for intense submission). We have at least 35 Peers who would benefit from the submission the most, not only as the immediate financial relief of 1,000,000 but also that it would make their game better in the future with less need to be a dick guarding his own possessions as if they were important when nobody has any lack anyway - it is just a game you know - and my post history shows I can give billions away and feel good about it, but a Duke cannot take a 200,000,000 (about 3,500) to serve his pocket, without soon feeling that he needs to correct his ways and give back double.

"This double I cannot keep, that is not rightful. I will meditate over a CIG what to do with it, perhaps there is someone in a need. Better not act in haste."

"As for the submission reward of 1,000,000, yes of course it is not big money or anything, but perhaps, just perhaps, it might become more interesting to join, if there was a time-based incentive to act fast, like -10,000 per day or so. Also I want to give myself ample time to process the bonuses, since I have other things to do, not just this game."


New rules for submission to HRH Prince Royal Zechariah, etcx3, incumbent Head of the House of Tavastia-rpietila-CK (char_id #36)

§1 Command to be used in its generic form is SUBMIT submissive_char_id authority_char_id level_of_submission (threadpost only, it's not implemented in Ultima/Clans engine just yet)

§2 Zechariah feels it is important that characters submit to him, so offers a 1,000,000 bonus for submitting to him (5 mil for Most submitting and 10 mil for Very submitting, as indicated by the level_of_submission parameter).

§3 Counting from the original call for submitting with a reward in place, the bonus is reduced by 1% (10,000 in the base case) for every passing day, calculated automatically and retroactively for the time already elapsed. (Sorry about that but I hinted it was coming, did I not?)

§4 Zechariah must pay the whole submission bonus in full, in one month since submission has been voiced. (He can easily do that.)

§5 Only Peers are eligible for the bonus from now on. (The poor - you know - they had their chance but they had to act fast. I will pay the submission bonuses to them and everybody, for the submissions prior to this post, when I have the time. Sorry for delay.)

§6 Submission may mean different things to different people, but submission to Zechariah is light, basically consisting of the things that Zechariah requires anyway from everybody that seeks to have any correspondence with him, so should be easy to achieve for any rational person:

1. Listening to what I say, especially when I am talking to you;
2. If I ask anything that is reasonable, let's make a deal that you do it either
* out of love for me (just do it), or
* out of love for yourself (we can make a deal what I give you in return, for doing it);
3. If something is not reasonable, you just refuse to do it, no hard feelings, I'll ask someone else or do it myself;
4. If something just needs to be done, and you are the only one who has the key, just do it (, before I have to prod you).

§7 If the person SUBMITting to Zechariah is at the same time REBELling against an entity Zechariah feels is doing good (all characters until otherwise announced), the situation needs to be checked.

§8 If the person SUBMITting to Zechariah is at the same time SUBMITting to an entity Zechariah feels is NOT doing good (no characters until otherwise announced), the situation needs to be checked.

§9 If Zechariah pays the bonus, he is clear. And if the character then submits and/or rebels to anyone, it is up to the character from that point onwards. Zechariah can only go so far to encourage submission with monetary rewards. Once the money leaves his pocket, it is gone. Until that, all bets are off.

§10 If anything of importance was not said clear enough, just ask. It's my money after all so obviously I make the rules here, and I am not a dickhead.

Zechariah feels good for making his terms complete, understandable and unchangeable, so proceeds to have a light dinner, wishing that the people who have the chance to get his money just by submitting to what is common sense, would take action, and do it sooner than later.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
UNTAMPERABLE=0. From now on, post history may be compressed. Everybody is normally responsible for their actions of course. The reason for the special measure was to instill some respect towards the moderator, the GM, and Zechariah. They are all-loving, and only want to give money around to every player to feel good. But now the condition for free money (currently max 10,000,000 (about 175) per BCT account) is submission to the reasonable authority who only wants your best, unlike some of the "authorities" out there.

It is obvious that some people are scared here, not knowing what's up. You still have some time to submit with the original deal in force. Then it will be made worse. I am especially happy that the King is completely fine with his subjects submitting to me. Why don't all just submit to me so we can go on with this. Nobles, Peers, please. I am your father and husband and brother.

Start of thread from when the submission became rewardable.

My (real life) priorities stay the same, so yeah I don't think I am asking too much here, just for the people I love: that they drop the bad advice around them, can it be so difficult, please? I am paying you money, they don't. I think ditching one guy should reasonably make the whole situation good again, in the same way as his involvement has made it impossible to solve, and I am nowhere near the end of my resources, in fact only recently started paying anyone outside of my normal organisation to handle it, and these guys don't fool around disrespecting me. ADD: It is surprisingly hard to pay people salaries though since they tend to refuse.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
Quote from: Changelog
361348   Give   M   15,000,000   Zechariah (36)   Phoenix (978)      15.03.17 (12:53)   submission=3; 3rd; 1.5x
361349   Give   M   15,000,000   Zechariah (36)   toady (1059)      15.03.17 (12:53)   submission=3; 4th; 1.5x
361350   Give   M   15,000,000   Zechariah (36)   Rostibarn (1032)      15.03.17 (12:54)   submission=3; 5th; 1.5x

Zechariah feels exceedingly relieved that he has managed to do every single thing he has promised to do, and in time. The next deadline for him is in about 1 hour, invoking [Submit 979 36 3   12:02:54   boomboom] to be processed.

Please continue the submissions, for you should know better that the deal does not become any better with the time passing. This is important kingdom-wide, and be notified that submitting to me is not the worst thing available. In fact, I am powerful, rich and loving, and care especially much of the people who publicly, in front of 100-200 witnesses (as there are active readers in the thread) promise to respect me.

It should not even be too hard. What I said about the meaning of submission (see above), I am submissive to everyone. It is common sense, good manners.

Don't freeze now. It is time to make some Light shine to the game, finally. The darkness, if any, will of course play their tricks, but their way of making you submit is taking money from you, instead of giving. Please.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
If anyone is interested to know what Submission to me (#36) means, it does not mean anything except:

1. Listening to what I say, especially when I am talking to you;
2. If I ask anything that is reasonable, let's make a deal that you do it either
* out of love for me (just do it), or
* out of love for yourself (we can make a deal what I give you in return, for doing it);
3. If something is not reasonable, you just refuse to do it, no hard feelings, I'll ask someone else or do it myself;
4. If something just needs to be done, and you are the only one who has the key, just do it (, before I have to prod you).
GM and moderator will tell when anything changes.

phoenix has a sudden doubt about whether this goes *outside* of the game in Zechariah's mind, and withdraws the submition if it goes beyond the game in any way.

Crypto Kingdom Central Archive ("Rules")

Laws of the Universe ("Rules")

Yes it is important to know which rules to follow... as they are in force regardless whether you know them, or not, if you play the game in question. As for CK,

Quote from: Constitution
Crypto Kingdom Constitution


The drafting of the new Constitution became necessary after the old rules became unenforceable in connection with the CKG/CON merger. The purpose of the Constitution is to lay down the minimum framework of governance only.

I The Game

The Game is a self-incorporated virtual world. All authority in the game belongs to its players and them only. Playing the game does not imply authority outside the game.

- -

It could not be more clear that the Game is a game, and people should feel less afraid that things in the game would imply authority outside of the game, for they DO NOT. Meditate rather about the outside world authority if you have a problem with it. I don't.

"Huh I better be quick to not break my self-imposed 2 hours to pay for the submission. In these missions, you stick to your promises as there are others involved who trust on you." thinks Zechariah, proceeding to do exactly what he decreed.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
Thanks. What do i do now?

Please just wait.

We did not have time to implement the SUBMIT/REBEL commands in the game engine yet, so the manual processing takes time and we do not have any paid admin resources to do it, so I am practically on my own here. And I need to eat, drink and sleep, and concentrate on my other duties as well.

Changelog is untamperable. Also this thread is now not instructed to be tampered until redtext says otherwise, in which case history may again be altered from that point onwards to gain on readability, at the slight loss of historical accuracy. This has been the case since the first week in Oct-2014 so nothing special here.

If anyone wants to help me by compiling a threadpost about the allegiances of the characters who already have submitted to another, please do it.

Please refrain from posting unnecessary content to the thread since it cannot be deleted as long as UNTAMPERABLE=1 in the thread.

If anyone is interested to know what Submission to me (#36) means, it does not mean anything except:

1. Listening to what I say, especially when I am talking to you;
2. If I ask anything that is reasonable, let's make a deal that you do it either
* out of love for me (just do it), or
* out of love for yourself (we can make a deal what I give you in return, for doing it);
3. If something is not reasonable, you just refuse to do it, no hard feelings, I'll ask someone else or do it myself;
4. If something just needs to be done, and you are the only one who has the key, just do it (, before I have to prod you).

Please allow up to 2 hours from your SUBMIT command, for me to pay the submission bonus, I have a lot of things going on, and need to be careful to be precise and keep calm since there is no time for mistakes as the history cannot be changed now.

GM and moderator will tell when anything changes.
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