I am not addicted to gambling yet. However, I was addicted to another thing, from which it took me about 5-6 months to get out. That addiction was not related to money at all, but it was harming me mentally. It was not possible to suddenly get free from that harmful addiction. I then tried to get out of that addiction gradually and tried my best to get busy chatting with friends. If I used to do the work for 5 hours at first, I try to reduce it to 4 hours, then to 3 hours, then to 2 hours. In this way, I gradually reduce the time I do the work and try to control my mind. In this way, after 5-6 months of continuous effort, I was able to change the habit and now I am completely controlled. I always try not to do any work continuously which is harmful to me.
It’s good that you set strong boundaries and not gambling regularly, keeping gambling money out of your wallet and maintaining a cautious mindset. These habits can help protect you from playing excessively. But addiction is sneaky I may say it often enters in when you least expect it. I recommend staying careful and always assessing your relationship with gambling. If you ever notice it taking more from you than it gives then better to step back immediately.
The fact that you overcome another addiction shows your power and self awareness. Keep applying that discipline and don’t hesitate to seek support if you ever feel things slipping out of control as I did here with the community. Prevention is always easier than recovery. Stay cautious.