When we get to what he actually put on the FARA filing things will become more clear.
Do you have enough information to accept that
A) Flynn was the chairman and CEO of FLYNN INTEL GROUP INC.
B) FLYNN INTEL GROUP INC. disclosed under the Lobbying Disclosure Act that they were going to lobby the federal government in early 2016.
No, things will not "become more clear" because they are confused in your mind only.
Next, let's look at what happens if a FARA filing is inaccurate or wrong, or if conditions change for the entity utilizing FARA.
Registrants must file supplemental statements at six-month intervals following the date of the registrant’s initial registration. The supplemental statement, and its corresponding filing fee of $305.00 for each foreign principal, is due 30 days after the six-month reporting end date. See 22 U.S.C. § 612(b); 28 C.F.R. § 5.203.
https://www.justice.gov/nsd-fara/frequently-asked-questions#27What happens? You update the information every six months or as requested.
PS: You said "FLYNN INTEL GROUP INC. disclosed under the Lobbying Disclosure Act that they were going to lobby the federal government in early 2016." and seem to think this is somehow evidence for a need to file under FARA.
Filing under the LDA is black and white letter law one of the allowed EXEMPTIONS TO FARA. However, there are numerous vague details and uncertainties in how to interpret such a thing. It may be that Flynn later filed under FARA in order to "cover all the bases."
https://www.cov.com/-/media/files/corporate/publications/2018/01/the_foreign_agents_registration_act_fara_a_guide_for_the_perplexed.pdfI'm just trying to go step by step to see what we can agree on.
Flynn is CEO of FLYNN INTEL GROUP INC. (FIG), they filed under the LDA in Sept 2016 and FARA in March 2017.
On election day 2016 his op-ed
Our ally Turkey is in crisis and needs our supportFrom Sept-Nov 2016 FIG received ~$500k from Iovo, a company based in the Netherlands.
I'm not implying anything here, this isn't an attempted 'gotcha'. I'm just trying to agree on facts. Do you agree with me that the above 3 statements are true? If not, which one(s)?