I think you know I meant mass organized religion
While I don't believe in any one of the thousands of proposed sky fairies I do believe something much larger than us created the universe and the laws that (for the most part) govern its existence. This belief does not come with an instructional booklet on how to behave and treat my neighbors.
Yet, in mass organized religion, nobody ever believes or understands quite the same. Why not? Because religion is a personal thing. You are talking about something that doesn't really exist, even though it looks like it does.
I don't know of anyone who believes in sky fairies. Some of the children who hear about Peter Pan might come close by believing about Tinkerbell.
Nobody needs an instructional booklet on how to live. It's simple. Just like you don't want some big, mean, gruff person to damage you, essentially nobody else wants that either. Just like you might like a helping hand now and again, most people would like that, as well. The instruction booklet is simple: Do to others as you would have them do to you. Start by finding out how much they want you to leave them alone.
We make all our machines by through observing natural machinery in nature. The fact of the complex universe made out of machines, proves God. Machines have makers.