To be fair if they are all using Windows then it doesn't really help the case, or even ubuntu. If they are using another operating system then it could be more obvious. Same goes for the browser. Most users probably vary with both operating system and browser, I know I've logged in on about 5 different operating systems and browsers because some browsers aren't easy to setup in some distributions. But, you are right if they all match then it does raise suspicious that much more.
Everybody doesn't use the same versions of operating systems or browsers though. It's not just a case of
oh he uses windows and firefox therefore we've caught him. The admins can see the IPs and detailed info and users are vastly different and if two people are using the same proxies/tor and logging in and out from one account to the next it is
If the two alt accounts go from using:
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_2) AppleWebKit/600.3.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.3 Safari/600.3.18
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.91 Safari/537.36Both to
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0Which is the same as WoodCollectors then that's pretty damning evidence.
I suspect - oh noez suspicionz - that WoodCollector took over one or both of the accounts at some point and the switch would be obvious to the admins especially if they went from using their own IPs/computer(s) to the same connection / computer WC does. If that's the case the evidence builds up pretty fast, but of course only BadBear knows what dirt he has but I trust his judgement and like you said he has no reason to lie.
I can guarantee you BadBear didn't base his feedback just off another member's, and it doesn't have to be just down to the same IP. If they both use exactly the same browser and operating system then that's good enough evidence in this case (and he may have other evidence I'm not aware of). Also, you're right that people sticking up for another isn't conclusive evidence alone but it certainly arouses suspicion, especially when they type the same way and use the same insults etc. More than a coincidence is it not?
Now you are back peddling from your IP "proof" to say that because they both used an operating system and browser that billions of other people use that this is now proof. Suspicions....
That is ALL anyone lodging these accusations have, 100% SUSPENSIONS.
I'm not back peddling, you'll just find excuses and invent conspiracy for everything based on nothing but speculation yourself. Notice I said
such as ie that was just
one example. People can think they're smart and anonymous using proxies and tor but if you use the same computer/browser it's not hard to tell especially when there's other evidence against you. It's called putting two and two together and it is very hard to hide this stuff from the admins unless you're really smart about it. Whether you want to admit it or not - which of course you don't because it doesn't suit your agenda - BadBear knows more than you and I and if he's left feedback it's for a good reason.
To me, nubbins did an actual PSA, converting his free time to a public warning. Nubbins did the right thing. I think we need more people like him in this community. We all have some special knowledge on different topics. Sharing it will help the community in its entirety.
Now on this specific case, I think the evidence presented was quite convincing. You can't really say that it was a baseless accusation. Bitcointalk seems to have pretty decent understanding of who is a bad guy and who is not. This community usually comes to the right conclusion when appropriate evidence is presented.
I agree, but it seems the only person who doesn't is tecshare and WoodCollector's alts. Surprise surprise.