thanks good watch.. C.I.A Own hollywood .. have you ever seen the movie knowing with
nicholas cage...when the mexico oil spill happened i got on to it straight away..because i had seen the movie a few times.. watch if you don.t believe check out when the movie was released and then check out when the mexico oil spill
happened ..its crazy plus whats the film all about a little girl who can see into the future..
i will watch the movie again because i need to know if they predicted more ..its crazy but yes a big BUT..
what the fuck is going on..
but now every movie i watch you have spoilt it for me now because i will be thinking is there a message in there some where
a joke by the way
i will have a little think tho
seems like the super rich like to play chess with our lives FACT.. well fuck you fuckers i am no pawn ..
i understand the game of chess very well ..and i know how all the pieces move..
Just take a look at the first row in chess
you got castle the rook..thats the mansions the super rich live in there retreat
you got kings and queens there the rulers the super rich them self
you got knights there the generals of the army
you got the bishops they rule the hope of salvation in the next life..
you got the pawn they get sacrificed we are pawns to the elite..if your not worth a lot of money then your a pawn..we all know what happens in chess..the pawns all get killed very rare in a game of chess we see all the pawns left on the board always the rich and they start the game..
this is why i have no time for religion its a form of being an elite nothing else a form of slavery to move us pawns around..tell us what is right and wrong how to live our lives..
see politicians need to stop thinking they get in power and for some reason they can act like olden day kings and queens..rule the people..when at the end of the day there suppose to do what we tell them to not the other way around..So i hope religion dies out
see were always getting told what we cannot do ...why not what we can do to make everyones life happier on this planet...
religion separates people ..and that is what kings and queens want remember if your worth a billion dollars your like a king or queen.. much easier to sit back and spend all your billions while the poor fight among them self over religion..they must be pissing them selfs laffing..
so the way i look at life is one big game of chess for the elite..
see religion would be ok if you are religious and one thing you stand by is no violence even if that person hurts you in some way you must not act violent back..
you see what jesus done ..but most religious people don.t act like this..its my god said this he must burn in hell..which basically is fuckin kill them..
this is why there is a bishop on the first row on a chess board there part of the elite
good night and take it easy..
P.S so your wasting your life MMH reading the bible all the time its a joke DON.T BE SCARED TO DIE..
MMH LEARN TO CODE and then you will be free