
Topic: Revelation Prophecies: Global Citizens? NWO? JADE HELM 15= UWEX 16? CERN? - page 33. (Read 121543 times)

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The majority of September's issues have to do with the pope dealing with the president and the United Nations....why? Because the United Nations taking over the world is likely the NWO that the bible talks about happening.

Video: PROPHECY ALERT: "Jerusalem Not Under Israeli Control

Video: We'll Do it LIVE: The REAL Alternative Podcast! Agenda 2030, Virginia September Doom

U.N. Agenda 21 hiding behind Agenda 2030

"After forty years of socialist indoctrination in schools and LGBT activism, the progressive agenda is finally bearing fruit. Gloating that the Women of the Left and GLAAD were victorious over our country, a recent Rush Limbaugh caller said that our country is in such a mess right now, that Christians won’t even help their own when religious rights are trampled. The warping and destruction of our children’s minds in schools is so complete, they now think the way feminist and LGBT militants want them to think, the caller concluded.

Activists must now convince the world. Samantha Powers, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. and important advocate of the LGBT agenda, said in a press conference on C-SPAN...."

Video: UN warns "Temple Mount" Clashes of Israeli-Palestinian Grave Threat Beyond JERUSALEM.

UN: Israeli-Palestinian clashes a threat beyond Jerusalem

"Mideast envoy warns ‘frustration, fear and violence’ surrounding Temple Mount can ‘echo’ across region

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The UN’s Mideast envoy warned Tuesday that clashes between Israelis and Palestinians in and around Jerusalem’s holy sites have the potential to ignite violence well beyond the walls of its Old City, pointing to “a vicious tide of terror and extremism” in the region. Nikolay Mladenov urged all parties to refrain from “provocative actions and rhetoric” and called on political, community and religious leaders to ensure that visitors and worshipers “demonstrate restraint and respect for the sanctity of the area.”..."

California drought is worst in 500 years – study

"After four years of drought California is now at its driest for 500 years, scientists have found. The heat has left the Golden State with almost no snowpack in the mountains, which is critical for replenishing the state’s water reservoirs...."

9-23-2015 - Ultimate FALSE FLAG Opportunity!
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Chile's new earthquakes:

The red are in the last hour, the yellow are within the last 24 hours.

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Translation of the UN's "2030 Agenda blueprint for globalist government" (controlled by corporate interests)

Goal 1) End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Translation: Put everyone on government welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies and handouts that make them obedient slaves to global government. Never allow people upward mobility to help themselves. Instead, teach mass victimization and obedience to a government that provides monthly "allowance" money for basic essentials like food and medicine. Label it "ending poverty."

Goal 2) End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Translation: Invade the entire planet with GMOs and Monsanto's patented seeds while increasing the use of deadly herbicides under the false claim of "increased output" of food crops. Engineer genetically modified plants to boost specific vitamin chemicals while having no idea of the long-term consequences of genetic pollution or cross-species genetic experiments carried out openly in a fragile ecosystem.

Goal 3) Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Translation: Mandate 100+ vaccines for all children and adults at gunpoint, threatening parents with arrest and imprisonment if they refuse to cooperate. Push heavy medication use on children and teens while rolling out "screening" programs. Call mass medication "prevention" programs and claim they improve the health of citizens.

Goal 4) Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Translation: Push a false history and a dumbed-down education under "Common Core" education standards that produce obedient workers rather than independent thinkers. Never let people learn real history, or else they might realize they don't want to repeat it.

Goal 5) Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Translation: Criminalize Christianity, marginalize heterosexuality, demonize males and promote the LGBT agenda everywhere. The real goal is never "equality" but rather the marginalization and shaming of anyone who expresses any male characteristics whatsoever. The ultimate goal is to feminize society, creating widespread acceptance of "gentle obedience" along with the self-weakening ideas of communal property and "sharing" everything. Because only male energy has the strength to rise up against oppression and fight for human rights, the suppression of male energy is key to keeping the population in a state of eternal acquiescence.

Goal 6) Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Translation: Allow powerful corporations to seize control of the world's water supplies and charge monopoly prices to "build new water delivery infrastructure" that "ensures availability."

Goal 7) Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Translation: Penalize coal, gas and oil while pushing doomed-to-fail "green" energy subsidies to brain-dead startups headed by friends of the White House who all go bankrupt in five years or less. The green startups make for impressive speeches and media coverage, but because these companies are led by corrupt idiots rather than capable entrepreneurs, they always go broke. (And the media hopes you don't remember all the fanfare surrounding their original launch.)

Goal 8) Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Translation: Regulate small business out of existence with government-mandated minimum wages that bankrupt entire sectors of the economy. Force employers to meet hiring quotas of LGBT workers while mandating wage tiers under a centrally planned work economy dictated by the government. Destroy free market economics and deny permits and licenses to those companies that don't obey government dictates.

Goal 9) Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Translation: Put nations into extreme debt with the World Bank, spending debt money to hire corrupt American corporations to build large-scale infrastructure projects that trap developing nations in an endless spiral of debt. See the book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins to understand the details of how this scheme has been repeated countless times over the last several decades.

Goal 10) Reduce inequality within and among countries

Translation: Punish the rich, the entrepreneurs and the innovators, confiscating nearly all gains by those who choose to work and excel. Redistribute the confiscated wealth to the masses of non-working human parasites that feed off a productive economy while contributing nothing to it... all while screaming about "equality!"

Goal 11) Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Translation: Ban all gun ownership by private citizens, concentrating guns into the hands of obedient government enforcers who rule over an unarmed, enslaved class of impoverished workers. Criminalize living in most rural areas by instituting Hunger Games-style "protected areas" which the government will claim are owned by "the People" even though no people are allowed to live there. Force all humans into densely packed, tightly controlled cities where they are under 24/7 surveillance and subject to easy manipulation by government.

Goal 12) Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Translation: Begin levying punitive taxes on the consumption of fossil fuels and electricity, forcing people to live under conditions of worsening standards of living that increasingly resemble Third World conditions. Use social influence campaigns in TV, movies and social media to shame people who use gasoline, water or electricity, establishing a social construct of ninnies and tattlers who rat out their neighbors in exchange for food credit rewards.

Goal 13) Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Translation: Set energy consumption quotas on each human being and start punishing or even criminalizing "lifestyle decisions" that exceed energy usage limits set by governments. Institute total surveillance of individuals in order to track and calculate their energy consumption. Penalize private vehicle ownership and force the masses onto public transit, where TSA grunts and facial recognition cameras can monitor and record the movement of every person in society, like a scene ripped right out of Minority Report.

Goal 14) Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Translation: Ban most ocean fishing, plunging the food supply into an extreme shortage and causing runaway food price inflation that puts even more people into economic desperation. Criminalize the operation of private fishing vessels and place all ocean fishing operations under the control of government central planning. Only allow favored corporations to conduct ocean fishing operations (and make this decision based entirely on which corporations give the most campaign contributions to corrupt lawmakers).

Goal 15) Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Translation: Roll out Agenda 21 and force humans off the land and into controlled cities. Criminalize private land ownership, including ranches and agricultural tracts. Tightly control all agriculture through a corporate-corrupted government bureaucracy whose policies are determined almost entirely by Monsanto while being rubber-stamped by the USDA. Ban woodstoves, rainwater collection and home gardening in order to criminalize self-reliance and force total dependence on government.

Goal 16) Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Translation: Grant legal immunity to illegal aliens and "protected" minority groups, which will be free to engage in any illegal activity -- including openly calling for the mass murder of police officers -- because they are the new protected class in society. "Inclusive institutions" means granting favorable tax structures and government grants to corporations that hire LGBT workers or whatever groups are currently in favor with the central planners in government. Use the IRS and other federal agencies to selectively punish unfavorable groups with punitive audits and regulatory harassment, all while ignoring the criminal activities of favored corporations that are friends of the political elite.

Goal 17) Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Translation: Enact global trade mandates that override national laws while granting unrestricted imperialism powers to companies like Monsanto, Dow Chemical, RJ Reynolds, Coca-Cola and Merck. Pass global trade pacts that bypass a nation's lawmakers and override intellectual property laws to make sure the world's most powerful corporations maintain total monopolies over drugs, seeds, chemicals and technology. Nullify national laws and demand total global obedience to trade agreements authored by powerful corporations and rubber-stamped by the UN.

Total enslavement of the planet by 2030

As the UN document says, "We commit ourselves to working tirelessly for the full implementation of this Agenda by 2030."

If you read the full document and can read beyond the fluffery and public relations phrases, you'll quickly realize that this UN agenda is going to be forced upon all the citizens of the world through the invocation of government coercion. Nowhere does this document state that the rights of the individual will be protected. Nor does it even acknowledge the existence of human rights granted to individuals by the Creator. Even the so-called "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" utterly denies individuals the right to self defense, the right to medical choice and the right to parental control over their own children.

The UN is planning nothing less than a global government tyranny that enslaves all of humanity while calling the scheme "sustainable development" and "equality."

1984 has finally arrived. And of course it's all being rolled out under the fraudulent label of "progress."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Strange September 18th Warning Letter Goes Out To Parents From School Near Philadelphia - Do They Know Something We Don't Know?

All News Pipeline was recently sent an email that contained a very strange warning that was recently given out by a private school near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ahead of the Pope's visit next week in which the date of September 18th was given to make sure that their children were adequately prepared for an 'shelter in place' emergency in school. The parent whom we got this message from writes that they are 'awake' to what is happening in America and to get a letter like this (republished below) really gives her a very unsettling feeling as we head towards the nwo 'end game' for America.

With John Whitehead at the Rutherford Institute recently warning that public school students are the new inmates in the American police state while the letter from a Catholic school below proves to us that during a 'lockdown' situation in school, school children AND their parents have NO RIGHTS what-so-ever, have we now reached the point in time warned about where the state is truly the 'custodial' parent of our children and our own parental rights have been completely thrown out the window? Is this another perfect example of why we need to take our children OUT OF organized school systems, systematically OVERTHROWING tyranny by no longer allowing the indoctrination of our children into the emerging 'beast system'? Remember the words of MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry who says your children are not yours but are owned by the 'community' aka 'the state' as seen in the 3rd video below.

After reading this letter, what do you think? The letter begins: "We are living in very difficult times in this world." Why do they specifically mention September 18th? Much more including a statement from this concerned parent and several more pictures and videos below.

(More of the image is on the link)
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Chile just got hit.

CNN: Chile earthquake: 8.3-magnitude quake strikes off

"Large tsunami waves observed along the Chilean coast after earthquake, Pacific Tsunami Warning Center says. (CNN)A powerful 8.3-magnitude earthquake struck off Chile's coast on Wednesday, according to a preliminary assessment from the U.S. Geological Survey.

The quake's epicenter was about 54 kilometers (34 miles) west of Illapel, Chile, USGS said. It occurred around 7:54 p.m. (6:45 p.m. ET) and had a depth of 33 kilometers (20.5 miles).

Chile's national emergency agency issued a tsunami alert, ordering evacuations in coastal areas from Arica to Puerto Aysen.

There were reports of damages to homes in Illapel, Interior Minister Jorge Burgos told reporters.

Ricardo Toro, the director of Chile's emergency agency, told reporters that there were no reports of major damage or deaths.

Pictures taken inside a shopping mall in La Serena, in the coastal city just north of Coquimbo, showed walls and signs toppled to the floor, ceiling tiles caved in as well as chairs, benches and tables covered in rubble..."

25km W of Illapel, Chile
2015-09-16 23:18:42 UTC31.1 km deep

71km W of Illapel, Chile
2015-09-16 22:59:17 UTC47.8 km deep

54km W of Illapel, Chile

There have been more earthquakes since, the damage numbers are on the left:

Video: Earthquake Strikes Chile: Tsunami alerts issued!

Activity: 1862
Merit: 1012

 I know what will happen.Untill  10 october 2015 USA will attack China.USA Navy is ready.Thay will block China ports

and thay will heavy bomarding them .USA marines will invide Honkkong.Everybody knows that on meeting in Pery Yuan will beadded to currency basqet,will  be fully exchangable,and US dollar will be no more reserve currency

It will be the end of USA becouse of his debt

Some people are saying that during Pope during his visit in USA will recognise Barack Obama like a Jesus Christ
 Pope will open Obama on that thruth ,and now Barack Obama will be expected Jusus Christ,Than Obama will change all water in all USA rivers and lakes in wine.Marijuana will grow everywhere,everybody will be drunk,everybody will smoke

Than Obama will travel all over the world and will do the same.Jim Morrison,Jimmy Hendrix,Jenis Joplin will comeback alive
We will all have flowers in our hair and we will be drunk and smoke  ganja untill the end of time

I prefer that second version happen

Truth is that thereare eclipses one was 13 sept solar,next will be 28 sept lunar,eclipces bringing change
so just watch what happen untill about 13 october,you will be able to predict future
just dont follow mainstream media follow your own truth
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Virginia Witness Interview#2 She told the truth the proof

Talks more about the cops etc being there waaaaay too early for a real shooting. He also calls someone else to corroborate.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: The Moon is WRONG on 9/15/15 - By Two Days

So the day of the 23rd should be pushed to the 24th or 25th...(as the religious holidays are all pushed back)

So we had a double eclipse of the sun and the moon didn't show up.

Mark 13:24 "But in those days, after that tribulation, THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, 25 AND THE STARS WILL BE FALLING from heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken.…

There is No Lunar Eclipse Tetrad and Blood Moon is Ghoulish Nonsense

This is the article he discusses: The Lunar Eclipse Wasn’t Total After All?!
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Bubonic Plague Confirmed in Michigan while Military 'Misplaces' Samples of Black Plague

Bubonic plague case confirmed in Michigan

"A Michigan resident has contracted the rare, life-threatening bubonic plague — the first documented case in Michigan’s public health history, state officials confirmed....."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Boring. I want to see whores riding dragons, angels blowing trumpets, or even black holes.

There was a double eclipse of the sun for the first time ever...

"...Bottom line: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory sees dozens of Earth eclipses and several lunar transits each year. On Sunday – September 13, 2015 – it saw the two happening at once for the first time ever..."
Activity: 169
Merit: 10
ExToke - Fee Free Trading
Boring. I want to see whores riding dragons, angels blowing trumpets, or even black holes.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
So, since your apocalypse is approaching soon... dare to bet on any of your prophecies?

You obviously haven't read the thread. lol

But I predict the pope will be meeting with Obama and the UN soon. (His schedule says so) Wink
Activity: 169
Merit: 10
ExToke - Fee Free Trading
So, since your apocalypse is approaching soon... dare to bet on any of your prophecies?
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Bank Caught Using Fake Gold As Reserve Capital In Russia

Bank Caught Using Fake Gold As Reserve Capital In Russia

"Over the past several years, incidents involving fake gold (usually in the form of gold-plated tungsten) have emerged every so often, usually involving Manhattan's jewerly district, some of Europe's bigger gold foundries, or the occasional billion dealer. But never was fake gold actually discovered in the form monetary gold, held by a bank as reserve capital and designed to fool bank regulators of a bank's true financial state. This changed on Friday when Russia's "Admiralty" Bank, which had its banking license revoked last week by Russia's central bank, was reportedly using gold-plated metal as part of its "gold reserves."

According to Russia's, as part of a probe in the Admiralty bank, the central bank regulator questioned the existence of the bank's reported quantity of precious metals held in reserve. Citing a source, notes that as part of its probe, instead of gold, the "regulator found gold-plated metal."..."

#JadeHelm15 - US Govt Publicly Bragged About "Directed Energy Weapon" Superiority Back In The 90's

Military Website PDF Document

(Particular beam weapon probably refers to the anti-matter weapons)
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: New Moon Not Sighted In Israel - Rosh Hashanah Delayed? Tishri 2015 A MUST HEAR!

Article: New Moon Delayed?! New Moon Not Sighted In Israel – Rosh Hashanah Postponed! An Act of God or Something Other?

So now what? The New Moon was NOT sighted yesterday, Monday, September 14th in Israel. Yom Teruah/Day of Trumpets and Rosh Hashanah will begin today, Tuesday, September 15th at sunset going through Wednesday, September 16th.

This will be the first day of the Seventh Month, also known as Tishri or Ethanim. We will then count till the 10th day of the Seventh month and Keep Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement, then Sukkot/ Feast of Tabernacles will begin on the 15th day of the Seventh month.

ALSO: Rosh Hashanah has been delayed. Most of you are like me just learning of this feast day. The Moon must be seen in order for the new year to begin. Some of you know the Mid-East has had a sand storm of biblical proportions. In order for the Feast of Trumpets the moon must been not only seen but also witnessed by 2 or 3 witnesses. They did not see the moon last night so the New Year could not begin. This is a God delay… but why?

ALSO: DOUBLE ECLIPSE OF THE SUN: On Sept. 13th, the sun was eclipsed–twice! No one on Earth has ever seen anything like it. Indeed, it was only visible from Earth orbit. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recorded the event:

Check this out as Anita clarifies Tishri and much more.

New Moon NOT sighted today in Israel

Video: "Earth And Moon Double Eclipse Of Sun" "Rosh Hashanah" Prophecy Alert!!

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Stocks - Going Down & Soon!

Video: Pope Francis Visit Washington "Prophetic"

Multi-religious Service at 9/11 Memorial and Museum and World Trade Center

"On Friday, September 25th at 11:30 a.m., Pope Francis will visit the 9/11 memorial site, where nearly three thousand were killed by terrorist attacks in September of 2001. After likely praying at the site, the pontiff will meet with local representatives of the world religions inside Foundation Hall at the 9/11 Memorial Museum for a multi-religious meeting for peace.  During this meeting, Pope Francis will deliver an address to the people and various prayers will be said."

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Breaking Japan: Mount Aso Volcano erupts!

It is being reported by several outlets that Mount Aso has erupted once again. Last year it erupted killing 63 people and was the biggest eruption from this volcano seen for the past 90 years.

Japanese volcano Mount Aso on island of Kyushu erupts

"Japanese TV shows huge plumes of ash and smoke billowing from volcano on the country’s southernmost main island. Mount Aso, a volcano located on Japan’s southernmost main island of Kyushu, erupted on Monday, Japan’s Meteorological Agency said, sending up huge plumes of grey ash and smoke.

Japan lies on the “Ring of Fire” – a horseshoe-shaped band of fault lines and volcanoes around the edges of the Pacific ocean – and is home to more than 100 active volcanoes..."

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