In that you are right, there may be all types of software that can create art, but there are always details that show that the creator is a human being and not an AI, for this I imagine that Robbet must have a team specialized in art and people who know a lot about the subject, for me it is something they should have and obviously when they detect that it is an AI, they should disqualify and apart from that publish that they are cheating, because something like that should not tarnish the good intention of what it does Robotet especially here in our bitcointalk community, everything has many things to give, and these opportunities have to be taken advantage of, because I really don't have the slightest talent for art.
need on users artistic design and approach then it would be still useless if you dont really have any idea on what you are doing.When it comes to criteria then its up to them on whats in and whats out.
Doesnt matter if its AI generated or assisted but as long it could be considered as art then it do really counts.
Its their competition and they are the ones who do run then its their rules on which needs to be followed.
Yes, of course you are right about that, I would really take into account what they say here, for example, that the art that is created is by hand, and not as detailed as they do it in software, of course, that the things that are craft or painting style is something else, but in the event that it is something related to an art focused on a drawing, I would limit it there by freehand, with that I would make sure that I would be doing everything with a detailed way that It is done by a human and not an AI, but of course, I think that in Rootet there must be people who are experts and must realize when they are and when they are not AI, so they are the ones who know how to choose.
If you are keeping funds that security of itself specifically needs IP address allowance, you truly should reflect on whether you should keep such an amount on a casino or not. 2FA for security measures is enough, for casino scale. IP address limitation requires users have a static IP address, which only a few people may have it. Plus, this is a casino, not an exchange or store/keeping funds-oriented platform.
Surely that would benefit the most since it would make people opt-in to use multi-factor authentication. 2FA + email confirmation. But from the previous conversation, what I do get is that people propose IP withdrawal limitations, which made me think it is too much, even what exchanges do implement is withdrawal addresses whitelisting, not an IP. But even if that feature gets proposed, I still do think it is unnecessary.
I know that a casino can do this as a security measure to prevent multiple accounts from being created and thus prevent any vulnerability from occurring, perhaps they have studied many cases and have drawn that conclusion, the bad thing is that many people do not see it that way, I see it from all points of view, and if they decide to do something like that, it is best to abide by the rules to avoid problems in the future and have bad times.