Everything else can be simply banned, and you go to jail for even using it at all (assuming you can arrange for illegally modified hardware to run it).
There is a solution.
Hint: the solution is holistic because some bans just won't scale, and note that ring signatures are not essential to crypto-currency.
Hint#2: requiring accurate bookkeeping scales because there is an existing framework for it in place in all countries, especially the G20. Banning crypto-currency entirely doesn't scale (at least not within the 2016 - 2020 critical timeframe). Such a ban infringes on many other things and would have domino cascade...
I explain above that I think they
can't ban my idea for a solution.
There is another reason they probably
won't attempt to ban my idea for a solution. That is because they can't trace exchanges of anonymous good & services, thus if they ban some technology which makes anonymous what they can otherwise normally trace (the non-anonymous, physical economy which they can tax), they will drive the crypto-currency economy much faster
towards the Knowledge Age and kill the Industrial Age even faster thus imploding their tax base and power structure. They will have to move to 666 embedded tracking in the body, that is the only hope for the power vacuum of democracy to continue to be funded as the physical economy gives way to the virtual economy of Knowledge production.
Because we know taxes must go up egregiously over the next decade or two, to pay for the bankrupt socialism which has promised everything to everyone, especially those who are or will soon retire. So unless you are a fascist oligarchy corporation with a FATCA exemption (ding dong Europeans you are not exempted as you will eventually find out as your EU overloads in full cooperation with the Russian Oligarchy take control in the coming false flag war with Russia), then you have no choice but to move underground with crypto-currency. These elite bastards have painted themselves into a corner. We've got them by the throat if we implement.
It is analogous to how OPEC cartels were self-defeating because the more they raised the oil price, the more the world moved to newer, more efficient vehicles.
Try to explain to the police that you did not want to intrude on their privacy by giving them a receipt...
As for the tax people, they do not care where you got that money from, only that you did not pay taxes on it.
It makes no difference which alphabet soup agency or propaganda slogan (e.g. T for terrorism, HT for human trafficking) our fascist oligarchy overloads use, bottom line is they want to trace every thing fully so there is no leakage where you can find ways to avoid their coming taxation wealth confiscation, capital controls. The goal is only they remain standing and all your wealth ends up confiscated into the heaping pile of socialism failure which they control.
As George Bush said, "you are either with us, or against us". So either line up in your milking stall, or prepare to be destroyed. As one Treasury official said, "we will burn the fingers of goldbugs up to their armpits".