What is traderdaddy? An exchange?
TraderDaddy is an automated, web-based, trading program/bot.
Interesting, I will give a try for TD, pre-registered already. What next, how to make it running, or when it will be possible.
It currently is only trading at Poloniex. You will need a NEW poloniex account (be sure to link your accounts if you have more than 1 at Poloniex) and 500 RBY in this new account to use TraderDaddy. There is currently no timeline on when pre-registered users will get added, but it looks like it'll be sooner than later. The developer is going to slowly add a few users at a time to make sure things are still running smooth before any kind of massive user access takes place. Just be patient and check your email from time to time for your access letter
TraderDaddy is created by the rubycoin dev himself.