I would suggest that you require a set amount to buy/use the trader and then have the amount required lower over time to free up the coins for resale. This would keep coins constantly exchanging and moving. Have the trader come up for renewal after a set time. It will still build value for the coin as well as constantly move coins.
Just suggestions, best of luck.
Welcome back and thanks for the suggestion. I haven't given it too much thought at this point, but it's possible that the amount required may be lowered as the price of RBY rises.
That is not what I meant. If you set it up to cost an amount of rby, say 5000 as an example, then make the amount required to hold decrease by 1/12 each month so that 1/12 of the coins can be sold for a profit as the months go by, then the ppl that are pumping the price of the coin by purchasing the trader get to make an additional profit if coin keeps rising while at the same time, keeping coins moving back and forth.
At the end of the time period, the trader has to be bought again. Of course, if it works well, the amount of rby needed would have to decrease as price rises, but same principle for each year. This should keep price rising and ppl buying and selling coins. All depending, of course, on the trader remaining useful over time.
This has come up in other discussions about keeping coins moving up and forward. Just a thought.
Anyhow, good job so far. Keep up the good work.