Soldiers in the front do not fight for cookies (well, actually the Ruzzians are giving monumental cookies for signing in). Again, you do not know enough about why your enemy is your enemy... or are pretending not to know.
Strategic allocation of resources. Exploit/take from where it doesn't matter and place it where it matters the most. Just as "freedom", needs to be exported exclusively to countries bordering or under opponents influence. Then propagandists can parrot how great things are in this region after they accepted freedom cookies, and other regions should surely follow them
. Pretty basic stuff, works pretty well until the global south catches on to what's going on, and aligns their interests into some kind of a bloc
Those superyachts and money in hands of few oligarchs instead spread into general population is EXACTLY how USA banksters
want it to be in all countries
You may argue about income distribution, just as many people in the US do. The problem is that you need income to have income distribution and under Ruzzia, all the income goes to Moscow.
Apart, potentially anyone can do business in the US. There are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people which have built their own large fortunes in perfectly legitimate business or even by investing consistently. That opportunity simply does not exist in Ruzzia - it is just the system dude, it does not allow people and countries to grow, chose and develop.
Some of my relatives live in the USA, they say you can't, for example, open restaurant without paying "protection" to local mob,
same as in post-Soviet Russia
Also, "socialism for the rich" takes taxes from ordinary people and give it to Elon Musk and such
2008 crisis, they bailed USA oligarchs, but let small businesses go bankrupt.
Only difference is that USA pond is much bigger, so general level of fishes of all sizes is better
I am not sure where are you getting this from or if it has any resemblance of truth, but most of the US is open for business and mob-free. It is easy to open a company, offer services or create any type of business. In fact if probably easier than in many EU countries. There are millions of US citizens that started in middle class or even in low-middle class or - in some cases from nearly nothing and that no have assets well above a million and all built in their working years. They are mostly boring and do not appear in the TV. And frankly if you have some talent, you can make a very good life.
I do not think there is any socialism in the US as I understand it. At most, free health care could be construed as such?? But yes the US system is costly and the people with the money hold power - but it is not infinite power and is not all built around the army and the secret service which account for a relatively small part of the economy.
Ruzzia is not a recipe for growth for Ukraine, the whole system is just slightly more efficient than communism - sometimes less efficient - when the secret service controls the economy, it stagnates. If you have an army of that size, that influence and taking so much of your budget, you need wars and enemies all the time.
To be honest if you look at population growth in Ruzzia... there is a big problem. So Ruzzia is not a good system even for themselves.
Since they bank rescue which you can rightfully claim as bailing out the oligarch, certainly I did like it as much as you when it happened, the banks have much tighter controls and stronger regulation - so too big to fail now means too big to be left in the wild - let's hope Trump does not Trump-it.
Assets wise:
How many millionaires are there in the United States?
We estimate that there are 23,684,985 millionaire households in the United States, or roughly 18.04% of all households.
Earnings wise:
How many multi-millionaires are in the US? About 8,046,080 US households earn $2 million or more, covering about 6.25% of American households. 5,671,005 US households earn over $3 million or more, covering about 4.41% of all US households
I would not bet the house on exact figures, but this is around it. It is a system in which wealth can be made even if you are not "someone". You do need to have some base though, it is not like you are born from a crack addict and become millionaire at 30 - much easier if you can go to a good college and have some basic contacts.