I am surprised there haven't been any threads opened about this yet.
In recent months, Russia has massed hundreds of thousands of troops and other military equipment on the Russia-Ukraine border. It is well known that Russia wants Ukraine to be part of its county, however Russian dictator, President Putin, has claimed that the troop mass is part of a training exercise.
The US and NATO allies are sending military equipment to Ukraine to help repeal an attack, and there is some talk about possibly sending troops to the region.
Update 2/18/22:
It appears there may have been some kind of false flag operation in Dumbas, Ukraine, an area controlled by a separatist group, today, possibly involving an alleged bombing of the car belonging to the leader of the separatist group. It is possible this is part of some kind of false flag operation to create a pretext for an invasion.
President Biden today said he believes Putin has made the decision to invade and will start an invasion in the coming days.
Update 2/21/22:
It appears an invasion has begun
Update 2/23/22:
It appears there are some kind of bombings in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine
We've been 2 years into this conflict and the fog of war and propaganda has greatly distorted facts and realities,boundaries between peace and morality is steadily and rapidly eroding
The western powers want to dictate terms and conditions for a conflict they clearly started or should I say clearly helped to stoke the flames
Historically,Russia has always suffered invasions spanning from the Napoleonic wars to the world wars,she has always wanted a secure border and peaceful and economic relations with Europe and the west,one which positively impacts the world
For decades especially after the cold war(another attempt to undermine the soviets now Russia by the west),the Russians have pursued trade and security cooperations with Europe and the west,projects like the nordstream and numerous other infrastructural and defense projects eg OSCE(organization for security and cooperation in Europe) in an attempt to bolster trade and development and regional stability in Europe yet all have been interpreted as a threat to western hegemony and influence in the region
The conflict in Ukraine or at least the latest iteration of it is to all intents and purposes fueled by NATO expansion among other reasons like surrounding Russia,turning the black sea which has historically been Russia's sphere of influence into a NATO lake,weakening of Russia all of which have clearly been articulated by USA and western globalist elite and that begs the question WHY??
Why did the west undertake such a disastrous project in Europe
In the initial phase of the conflict many were and probably still are being misled to believe that NATO and western support which is short of sending troops is an effort to support democracy,sovereignty and is a moral obligation and one wonders where the morality lies in Ukrainian albeit western sponsored and backed shelling of the eastern regions of Ukraine(ethnic Russian speaking) since 2014,where the support for democracy was in the maidan coup in 2014 in which civilians were killed en masse and the eagerness of the western powers to recognise the illegitimate government formed thereafter and no support for the ousted democratically elected government.In the face of such glaring hypocrisy the west has no moral justification to put forward such arguements suffice to say the rhetoric has been laid bare for all to see
The foreign policy of the USA and their western allies especially with regards to this conflict had been an utter catastrophe, one which has global ramifications like the hike in oil prices as a result of sanctions on Russia which produces a substantial amount of global oil,agricultural produce hikes,hike in cost of fertilizer,natural gas and other natural resource
Simply put the west has shot itself in the foot and by extension the rest of the world
As is the norm with the USA,instead of pushing for negotiations they push for escalations,the only calls for negotiations have come from Russia 3 times all of which has been sabotaged by the west
It is painfully obvious that this conflict will end in negotiations and on Russian terms so why has the west subjected Ukraine to utter destruction only to achieve the same objectives set by the Russians which could have been achieved in the first days of the conflict through negotiations