Thirty minutes of research turned up this...
ELFE - World's First Energy Free Flashlight - $120 Accumulator - ADGEX fuelling the clean energy revolution – The energy free flashlight now slashed form $99 to $9 - March 22, 2016"ELFE - The energy free flashlight" is under review by the Trust & Safety team. Unboxing Scam Revealed Tool - of ELFE and ADGEX Company
At first glance I found similarities with the suspected scammer ring of GeoResonance (company involved in a MH370 hoax) - both are registered in Australia, but are in fact controlled by Russians or Ukrainians, both are operating in the geoengineering industry, and both appear to be part of a bigger ring of companies, in many countries worldwide, with websites in multiple versions. I did not manage to find any links between those two until now, though.
The websites of ADGEX (i.e.,, try to give the impression that ADGEX is a huge important corporation with a lot of staff (for example there are 14 directors listed on the eu website), and it describes several bombastic projects (i.e. the UpRail supertrain). Until now, I have not found any references to any existing completed projects.
Generally, finding information about ADGEX is difficult, publicly available corporate reports do not include anything besides the address. I did not search too intensively yet, and did not find any testimonials of satisfied or angry customers or investors (except of the video of the ELFE light). I only found a report by a Russian investor adviser who gave ADGEX practically the worst possible ranking, and gave very negative description of their policies, both in the text of the reports, as well as in the comments, were an employee of ADGEX attempted to contest some of the points. The website is in Russian, so you will need to run it through Google Translate, if you want to read it: was apparently another website explicitly created to criticize Viktor Uzlov, the managing director of ADGEX, but it was taken down in the meantime. It is now available only in cached versions, for example here: (Russian website, hence machine translation again necessary for most people). Frankly told, I have not had the time yet to read through it, I just scanned through it quickly, but there are clear accusations of fraud, and a big number of articles especially referring to the period in Australia since 2011 ( I do not know whether the website was taken down because of threats, or for other reasons.
Another Russian website describes alleged scams in relation with the supertrain project perpetrated by Viktor Uzlov, one of the ADGEX directors: when using Google Translate, it incorrectly translates the name of Viktor Uzlov as Victor knot or Viktor nodes (often in lowercase).
Google or (Russian search engine) show numerous Russian websites associating ADGEX with scams. It is difficult to judge the legitimacy of the claims without good translation and without cross-checking the claims on the websites, but ADGEX is given as an example of pyramid scheme scams on several websites, for example this one: more websites or YT videos can be found with the terms "ADGEX aфepa" or "ADGEX лoxoтpoн", which both mean ADGEX scam)
It is claimed that the people behind ADGEX and their UPRAIL project, operated also under the name Euroasian Rail Skyway Systems Ltd in the UK. They were dissolved shortly after banks issued warnings to investors (for example Lietuvos Bankas). More details can be found in Lithuanian media - for example on the news portal
So what has ADGEX actually achieved in 6 years? A conventional flashlight posing as a free energy device, a pretty website with nice colours, and some nice dreams and visions.
Now they want YOU to throw their money at them and trust them because they have been around for 6 years unlike other scam ICO's.
Good luck investing folks.
Adgex Google News Results great for a company established in Australia for 6 years. Perhaps Adgex is the secret Verge partner.