If someone does wish to claim such a thing, I would ask that they provide irrefutable evidence in the form of peer-reviewed scientific papers, published in a reasonably reputable scientific journal (preferably in an academic journal, concerning physics, biology or chemistry).
I am an atheist myself, as I have not seen any compelling evidence for the existence of a god-entity/creator. If such evidence were to emerge, I would be happy to change my stance based on that evidence. Until then, I treat the existence of a god/creator as I would Russell's Teapot, or an invisible pink unicorn.
The evidence supporting survival is so overwhelming that it leads one to consider that GOD is a valid philosophical concept. What about the top 20 spirit-contact cases and the top 20 reincarnation cases? What about the important research of Cunningham indicating that the communication of anomalous information is verifiable by anyone willing to consider the evidence (Content-Source Problem)? What about the failures of skeptical research and the constant skeptical misdirection? Herbert Spencer explained that all theories of origin imply the inconceivable while other eminent researchers through their own observations documented the spiritual dimension of reality.
Consciousness is connected with one unity. A machine is composed of parts. [6.1.21]
The active intellect works on the passive intellect which somehow shadows what the former is doing and helps us as a medium. [6.1.22]
I don’t think the brain came in the Darwinian manner. In fact, it is disprovable. Simple mechanism can’t yield the brain. I think the basic elements of the universe are simple. Life force is a primitive element of the universe and it obeys certain laws of action. These laws are not simple, and they are not mechanical. [6.2.12]
I have pointed out some major problems in the Bible; I recommend that truth-seekers read the Phoenix Journals since they explain how the truth in the Bible has been modified; a seeker must learn about the omissions.