I still don't see how entropy shows there was greater intelligence in the past.
God does it with countless electrons, countless protons, countless neutrons, countless photons, and every other particle and wave in the universe, to produce complexity, like intelligence and emotion, which come into being in multitudes of people, many years (13-14 billion if you are a standard scientist) after initially tapping these particles into motion. The point? Your puny thinking can't come close to guessing what God can and can't do... if He can be in the universe or outside of it or not.
The intelligence you are talking about is not individual intelligence. Rather, it is cumulative intelligence based on recorded findings by many people. Individual intelligence is decreasing.
However, such modern intelligence is destroying the world. At least people of the past were intelligent enough to not join their intelligence like we have, so that they started to destroy the world like we are doing.
There is no doubt that a modern human is far far more intelligent than a homo habilis, for example. If god made the universe he had to be outside it otherwise he couldn't have made it. You can't be part of the universe and then create the universe because that would mean the universe was already created, it's pretty simple logic.
Or could it be god is crazy enough where he created his own universe much as a person who suffer schizophrenia who created his own world full of characters of his own as well which is why there are tons of gods, benevolent gods so they say.