This universe is perfect! It is humanity's definition of perfection that falls short. It is based upon the flawed vision of human ego.
Yeah... No. It really isn't. Earth is not perfect, humans are not perfect, animals are not perfect.
Sure if you look at the small scale of a human lifetime or even a human sized object you could find faults and say things are less than perfect. However when you look at the universe as a whole and the beauty of how it works it is simply amazing! You can't say the Universe is imperfect in any meaningful sense.
Scientists have nailed down certain forces and balances that had they been even a tiny, tiny bit different we might have just had loose particles of matter and no stars or just a giant clump with no empty space. We got just the right Universe to support life on our world and maybe others too. There are so many ways that might not have happened if our Universe had not been exactly as it is. Yes our Universe is quite perfect at being a Universe that we can exist in. It is exactly what it needs to be and that is all we can ask for.
If someone knows of a more perfect Universe out there for comparison than I would love to know.