Evolution is accepted worldwide as the truth. Opponents are brainwashed - you will never see an open minded person call evolution a fraud.
Like fuck it is..Evolution is a THEORY..and one of the most UNPROVEN easily Disproven EVER..
Evolution is a JOKE and crime against reason and science...A WEAPON of propaganda.
There is ZERO fossil evidence to substantiate the theory. Where as there should be copious.
There are massive amounts of fossil records yet there has never been a single case of a species change..NOT ONE EVER..
Further proof of the FRAUD can be found in the MANY attempts to offer "Missing Link" fossils...piltdown etc...
Again there should be Zillions of missing link fossils..there are NONE..Also easily verifiable
VOD is the brainwashed asshole that projects his own ignorance and bias and incompetence and laziness.
Anyone having a so called OPENMIND can easily READ the literature available from BOTH sides and KNOW Evolution is a perverse FRAUD...
The simple fact is this lazy idiot has no intention of actually doing any serious investigation.
He will always be an immature child and victim of propaganda attacking and projecting on others the symptoms of his own ignorance and delusions.
This is all he knows how to do..he is a trained puppet...a tool.....a weak minded bully who can only attack easy WEAKER prey like religious idiots.
Just ignore him...DO NOT FEED THE BEAST....he is intellectually bankrupt vampire that feeds off of the conflict...
He has ZERO interest in honestly investigating the truth or re-evaluating his unsupported self aggrandized BELIEF system.
He is a RELIGIOUS FANATIC..A Devoted Disciple of American Academic propaganda...A testament to it's effectiveness.