
Topic: Scientific proof that God exists? - page 17. (Read 845591 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 22, 2020, 01:26:03 PM
Oh, btw Pachacouti, just wanted to thank you for blabbing rather than showing scientific proof for or against the existance of God. Makes it so much easire for me to maintain the science aspect.

Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 21, 2020, 02:58:02 AM
What is this? A remix of a doodle I was taught in primary school.

         \   \/\/\/\/
          \  \/\/\/\/
    /\      \
   /  \      \
  /    \      \
 /  69 \      \
/        \      \

A ship called Aquarius arriving 2 late to save the drowning piscean witch.

See? God does exist. Jesus is on the ship.

No wonder you fear the monkey.. you cant handle this one Wink
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 21, 2020, 02:34:34 AM
And I provided it... Thanks to YOUR lord.

I guess infinty passed into change... hey guys, did you know it's easier to commit suicide and endure hell for 7.5 Thousand Years instead of eternity in hell for condeming your first-borns soul to eternal hell, then convince said child to do same? 7.5.000 years or eternity, c'mon BADecker, eternity is only 7.5.000 years? Prove that scientifically, at least, this is according to a bible basher Wink

One who is clearly out of time...

Why anyone would read scientific post's from one who will not admit the science of time. By definition this deny's science. Never mind the science of the Sequoia Tree's, and the Pinus Longavious... wow...

Shows the mentality of why america will NEVER be great again... it never was great, due to it's falsified claims.

BADecker, why dont you ever answer the many points taken from your book, that I use as proof FOR the existance of YOUR god?

Very selective in your selling tactics.. Avoid the truth, yet try to convince others of your delusions. A typical mental case. Like TRUMP.

Trump, who created my prediction of american demise.

I trumped you all.

And got trump to do it.

Listen to me. Insanity is a terrible thing to waste.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 19, 2020, 04:24:31 PM
Your entire argument rests on the claim that "our vast experience is that machines have makers". I have shown that you cannot identify the maker(s) of most machines, so you can't say that "our vast experience is that machines have makers". You believe that "machines have makers" because you are limiting "machines" to only those that are man-made. The problem arises when you generalize "all man-made machines have makers" to "all machines have makers". That's like saying black and white are shades of gray, therefore all colors are shades of gray.

Why do you suggest that my entire argument... After all, the topic is scientific proof. The "machine" point hasn't delved into much science, yet.

Because, in a nutshell, your argument is "all machines have a maker, the universe is a machine, therefore the universe has a maker". Your premise that "all machines have a maker" is based on a observation, ""our vast experience is that machines have makers". I have shown you that this observation is biased and wrong.

I don't have to prove that there are machines with no makers. I just have to show you that your observation is not true. That means that your premise is not supported, and therefore your argument doesn't work.

Here is where science comes into the picture. It's called probability. When we have zero for something, and countless numbers of something else, the countless numbers overrule the zero.

Yeah, that's not how science and probability work. You can't prove something with probability.

Lets take gravity for example. For hundreds of years we believed that gravity worked like this: F = Gm1m2/r2. Countless observations confirmed it, zero observations contradicted it. Then, it was noticed that the orbit of Mercury kind of contradicted it. Later, Einstein came up with relativity and showed how gravity actually works (as far as we know). Despite the "probability", Newton turned out to be wrong.

All you are saying is that we don't know anything because anything might not be what it is.

Einstein's relativity is theory... not known to be true. Einstein used a partial view of the universe to come up with his theory. The partial view simply exists in the area that we normally do math in, so it looks true. Newton may yet be proven to be correct. Especially if you consider Quantum Mechanics.

You absolutely don't have to find a machine without a maker. People can talk themselves into whatever they want... as long as there is no extreme pain or extreme joy. That's why much of science is not science... such as evolution theory.

The science topic regarding the odds where zero is included on one side, is accepted as fact when there is a great number on the other side. I don't remember what the number is, but it is something like 1040 to one. It is far less for zero.

However, there is more scientific proof for God's existence than just this.

Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 19, 2020, 05:20:53 AM
A different version of the universe POSSIBLY being a machine:


Deciphered my ME, a couple of years ago now huh, here, in this thread.

It's correct translation:

The ring's of Saturn make the world STAGE go round.

Each number on the face of a clock has a megalithic structure.

This can only be seen when looking at the earth from SOUTH.

The rings of Saturn have a different PULL on the MOON, depending on which side of EARTH, the MOON is at, and the rings of SATURN.

Where the MOON is relevant to the rings of SATURN, the opposite side of the ring's is closer to EARTH, for there is less gravitational pull when the MOON is inbetween Earth, and the ring's of Saturn. As each rotate, a pendulum effect is created, keeping the Earth spinning.

One just need to look at a technics 1210mk11 turntable without the platter, to imagine each magnet seen as a megalithic site.

Go figure.

Edit: Scientifically provable, and viewable/touchable by the layman. The secret of comedy is in the TIMING.

Ps, you masons might want to return all those theft's from these site's back, because re-tuning the earth from the sun to the moon cause's the planet to go boom, for copper wire wont handle the surge thats coming.
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 19, 2020, 04:52:38 AM
BADecker, try this.

Noah's Father went on a journey. On route, the person taking him on this journey, say's, if asked, do NOT eat the bread or drink the wine.

YOU, BADecker, eat the bread and drink the wine. WHY?

Noah's father's instructions were well received by him. When offered the bread and wine, he politely refused.

When asked why he would not eat or drink, his reply was...

Because he was not from THAT planet.

Taken from the book of Enoch.

You are an Alien freak.

My proofs are from YOUR book, or exist where others can touch them.

Yours are in the masonic mind.

Lost forever.
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 19, 2020, 04:29:02 AM
So far, we have read nothing but let's fill the pages with masonic bullshit that detract's from the fact that the bro's are trying to lose the most definitive proof in a load of masonic crap, isnt that right BADecker, your latest comments are not for this thread, but a thread regarding explanations for supposed scientific THEORIES or PROOF of the insanity of the masonic mind. Thankfully there are now other websites copying and pasting the actual proofs, copied from this thread linking those against my proofs with identification and proof that those against the proofs are indeed baby shagin masonic freaks.

So you have proof of quantum what? SHOW ME IN PERSON. Show me these alternate universies. YOU CANT. Freemasons DESIGN electronic tools and gadjets to show us what the tools are PRE-PROGRAMMED to show. Obviously if they are PROGRAMMED to show, they will do so.

Your comments, as with other's are not relevant to this thread any more, for nothing you have spoken of lately is scientific proof of GOD. I'll take this moment to remind you, the OP left me in charge of this thread, and I find your comments and scientific discussions should be taken to another thread, that you do NOT bury in your falsities, the proof's others are looking for, in a thread where the proofs are mounting up against you. All you have described is in the movie dr.strange (brilliant mental imagery..). That's all your latest comment's prove, that you are clearly attempting to confuse and lose the true seeker's, who are unaware that ALL freemasons believe this life we live IS hell. Jesus is in hell then? He cant go there, so why preach him, call me a liar, then talk about irelevant nonsense more suited toward's ensteinian threads?

Please stay on topic using scientific proof available to the human eye's and hands. I can touch a Seqoia Tree, I can count the ring's. I know the INRI formula is black jewish magic, which is the reason Hitler burned them. Your bible is a book of jewish contol, clearly you are controlled by THEM.

Take your useless science to a useless thread on science, if we wanted science, we'd go to a science thread. We want ot FIND Proof of GOD. For instance, I have proven the monkey you see when you die. A GOD! I have proven the great flood could not have happened less than 27.000 years ago, for several Pinus Longavious tree's are older. In the bible, ALL LIVING THINGS DIED. For your scientific discussion with other members to be true, YOU would have to admit time is longer than what you have stated, or lied about. The fact you cannot accept time, makes you scientific THEORIES pointless, for you cannot have science withou time. Time immorial. Please stick to proofs us mere mortals require.

You wont accept time, as most see it, yet expect us to read your scientific theories, theories produced by masons?

Meanwhile another church BURNS.

Figure it out.

Just why do you start these irrelevant comments after MY proofs?

Dont answer, I'll do so for you. To hide MY proofs in so many pages most would be put off reading from start to end.

Keep them churches burning, we know they are burnt by masons in their attempt to hide who they are.

Baby sacrificing FREAKS.
Activity: 4438
Merit: 3387
July 18, 2020, 05:52:58 PM
Your entire argument rests on the claim that "our vast experience is that machines have makers". I have shown that you cannot identify the maker(s) of most machines, so you can't say that "our vast experience is that machines have makers". You believe that "machines have makers" because you are limiting "machines" to only those that are man-made. The problem arises when you generalize "all man-made machines have makers" to "all machines have makers". That's like saying black and white are shades of gray, therefore all colors are shades of gray.

Why do you suggest that my entire argument... After all, the topic is scientific proof. The "machine" point hasn't delved into much science, yet.

Because, in a nutshell, your argument is "all machines have a maker, the universe is a machine, therefore the universe has a maker". Your premise that "all machines have a maker" is based on a observation, ""our vast experience is that machines have makers". I have shown you that this observation is biased and wrong.

I don't have to prove that there are machines with no makers. I just have to show you that your observation is not true. That means that your premise is not supported, and therefore your argument doesn't work.

Here is where science comes into the picture. It's called probability. When we have zero for something, and countless numbers of something else, the countless numbers overrule the zero.

Yeah, that's not how science and probability work. You can't prove something with probability.

Lets take gravity for example. For hundreds of years we believed that gravity worked like this: F = Gm1m2/r2. Countless observations confirmed it, zero observations contradicted it. Then, it was noticed that the orbit of Mercury kind of contradicted it. Later, Einstein came up with relativity and showed how gravity actually works (as far as we know). Despite the "probability", Newton turned out to be wrong.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 18, 2020, 03:39:26 PM
Your entire argument rests on the claim that "our vast experience is that machines have makers". I have shown that you cannot identify the maker(s) of most machines, so you can't say that "our vast experience is that machines have makers". You believe that "machines have makers" because you are limiting "machines" to only those that are man-made. The problem arises when you generalize "all man-made machines have makers" to "all machines have makers". That's like saying black and white are shades of gray, therefore all colors are shades of gray.

Why do you suggest that my entire argument... After all, the topic is scientific proof. The "machine" point hasn't delved into much science, yet.

If you come upon a machine, and you question about its maker, you have 3, basic, possibilities:
1. You know who the maker is;
2. You don't know who the maker is;
3. You don't know if it has a maker.

When you look at the machines of the universe, you can tell they are machines, because they use the same principles in their operation as the machines made by people. In fact, they use kinds of principles of people-machines, that people haven't thought to use, yet. But it is all machinery, right? It all uses principles that would classify it as machinery, right?

The thing that we are really looking for is number 3, above. Have we ever found a machine that we have proven that it doesn't have a maker? Like the Antikythera mechanism, we don't know if it has a maker or not. Could be "yes," could be "no." We don't have proof either way. Similarly, we don't have proof for any of the machines of nature. The closest we can come to proof is that they are all machines.

The thing we DO have proof for, is that we KNOW of the makers of many machines. We know who makes cars, computers, airplanes, and all kinds of other machines. We even know who fashions spoons, thereby manipulating the machinery of the universe to make a new shape that simply retains universe machinery status.

The point? Zero proof for any machine that doesn't have a maker. Countless proof for machinery that DOES have an identifiable maker.

Here is where science comes into the picture. It's called probability. When we have zero for something, and countless numbers of something else, the countless numbers overrule the zero.

Many people might join a lottery that is a billion to one for a winner. They think that there is just a chance that they might be the one in a billion. But what are the odds of winning when it is zero to a countless number?

Find us a machine that is proven to not have been made, or accept the odds as the scientists do... all machines have makers because we know of countless machines that have makers, but zero machines that don't have a maker.

All you are doing is like in the lottery that is going to have zero winners with countless players. You are suggesting that a non-player could be the winner if he played. Does that even make sense? That a non-play could win if he played when there were going to be zero winners?

Or, find us the proof of a machine that doesn't have a maker. Not "it must be proof" or "the proof has to be in there somewhere." Rather, the real proof. After all, we have real proof that there are countless numbers of machines that have makers.

Activity: 4438
Merit: 3387
July 18, 2020, 12:38:07 AM
Your "countless examples" consist only of man-made machines. What about machines that are not man-made? Can you show that they also have makers? There are certainly many more examples of machines that are not man-made than there are of man-made machines, so if it were actually true that you could use odds to prove something in this case, you would still be wrong.
Can you show even one example of a machine that you absolutely know does not have a maker? Our vast experience is that machines have makers, without even one example of a machine not having a maker.
So here are examples of non-manmade machines with no maker: ribosomes (protein synthesizer), clouds (electrical generator), rivers (rock crusher), rain (irrigation). Of course I could go on and this list would be much longer than your list of machines with makers. Our vast experience is that most machines do not have makers, but you choose to ignore them in order to support your premise.
Prove that these machines have no maker.
Your entire argument rests on the claim that "our vast experience is that machines have makers". I have shown that you cannot identify the maker(s) of most machines, so you can't say that "our vast experience is that machines have makers". You believe that "machines have makers" because you are limiting "machines" to only those that are man-made. The problem arises when you generalize "all man-made machines have makers" to "all machines have makers". That's like saying black and white are shades of gray, therefore all colors are shades of gray.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 17, 2020, 08:48:28 PM
^^^ Have you compiled your stuff into a book, yet. Newagers like this kind of stuff. You might be able to make a few bucks off it. I mean, since you are going to Hell anyway, why not make some money here?

Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 17, 2020, 08:56:35 AM

What I have really done the last few years, is point to WHOEVER it is that was to be reborn. The discovery of the City of the Monkey GOD proves one thing: The Pachacouti were correct in that they stated their GOD, Pachacouti, would indeed be reborn in 2012. A monkey reborn as the 'NEW HUMAN'.

In a year that is NOT a year of the monkey.

Now go find WHEN this lost city was discovered. For it led to me discovering the Monkey God in me. Yup, pure co-incidence I will admit, my being ruler of the underground in solar astrology, and ruler of the underworld in lunar astrology. Both astrology's taken from the bible, itself, a book of the TARO., or TORAH.

All you have done is remain stuck in the past with no proof's of your son of this god, because you are not me, and I am not one with the serpent race you serve. But rest assured, they can hear me, they just cant figure out which of them thought what?

When I rise in the west, you will know who I AM. Aquarius. The end of sacrifice is NOW.
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 17, 2020, 04:49:01 AM
Ps, typing too fast, and too early. The church is finito. The church of Lucifer won, as is obvious with BADecker preaching a sexual deviant as our saviour. Your not supposed to be saved. But this is how it is: Freemasonry wrote the bible, and forced it upon people using the knight's templar. They came back from the east travelling the origional silk road, selling dope back then as now. Freemasonry's 18th degree password, Hose-Anna proves they worship Lucifer. Google it. They know we die, and come back. Over and over. To damn your firstborns eternal soul is to make them the scapegoats for masonic/wiccan/christian abuse, by abusing these 1st born, freemasonry appears to have a purpose.

Alas, all is not lost, for there is and always will be but ONE soul, and  One Spirit. They sold their soul to be one with a spirit, they call god. The spirit die's, explaing why their spirit will disappear from the blue lodge on death, for it is the soul that is eternal, and cannot die.

Get it right. I've been here before. The place I prepared for you is dying at your hands.

BADecker, you cannot compete with my soul.

Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva
Father, Son, Holy Ghost
Your Dad, You, And the blood that flows, from father to son, aka lucifer.
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 17, 2020, 04:35:01 AM
You lose, by not accepting time, die loser, I've proven the Monkey GOD, good enough for me.. and all else with eye's to see, and WILL SEE

Deny Sequoia Tree, God's creation. Deny Pinus Longavious, Another of God's creation, that's two proofs alone, but the fact Jesus and his followers are sexual deviant's, is proven by the bible... why not comment on that? YOU LOSE PAEDO.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 17, 2020, 04:17:04 AM

I do make sense BADecker, you dont, you cant argue with the amount of people that have read your pish.

Now why would I want to argue with you? Lol! You are doing a good enough job of arguing with yourself. Cheesy


The scientific proof is impossible, for god is NOT of this earth, never mind this dimension.

I'll say it again. The Baby Sacrificing can stop. The Monkey got the message, born of:

Okay. You said it again. So, I will show you the link again. Here it is -

Keep up your good science fiction work with all the rest of the sci-fi jokers. However, in the judgment you will be so disappointed with yourself for wasting your life on your sci-fi stuff, when you could have been out there working for God, and getting a reward for it following the judgment.

Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 17, 2020, 04:03:09 AM

I do make sense BADecker, you dont, you cant argue with the amount of people that have read your pish.

Now why would I want to argue with you? Lol! You are doing a good enough job of arguing with yourself. Cheesy


The scientific proof is impossible, for god is NOT of this earth, never mind this dimension.

I'll say it again. The Baby Sacrificing can stop. The Monkey got the message, born of:

Father, Son, Holy Ghost

God, Jesus, Lucifer

Brahma Vishnu SHiva.

A Monkey king that is to return at the end of mayan time, this is the closest we can get to 'who' is coming back, taken from all other cultures wiped out by freemasons, and the church, your paedophilac brethren, to sell their brand of who is coming back, with one flaw.

Even Jesus at one point had the higher intelligence in man, the Monkey MIND.

Whomever is irrelevant, for it's obvious when ancient culture's are studied. A new Human, a monkey aquarian, will return at the end of time. Now since the end of time by most account's has been accepted by most to be 2012, it begs the question, who's time is up, what end of time? We are all still here!

But as unwitting initiator Nick Splinter Smith knows, he unwittingly initiated a knowledgeable Monkey in 2012, in a year that was not a year of the monkey, creating the end of YOUR brethrens time.

You see, when I look at a little girls drawing, I see a wall of fire. I see a black cross casting a shadow on the flames, the little girl on her knee's praying. Primary crayon drawing, burnt into my mind, for this is my ex partner, all grown up. I'm having sex with her, and stretch oout my arms while holding her hand's, and she freaks. I only saw the drawing but 10 years after, wondering why she freaked. I got buddist monks bowing to me in the fuckin street, saying over and over, we're not worthy.

At a funeral, I see my deceased friend's sis look at me, and she too SAW.

Then I get bro's talking to me about your holy spirit, lucifer. Many point out Lucifer is aqaurian, being ruled by saturn, keeper of YOUR, and the rest of us's time. My date of birth IS the numbers that lead to light.

Stick with your small mind, honest, you too are one with the infinite brain, which devided itself up into lot's of smaller versions of itself, that it may have company. Jesus is nothing more than death of ego. That same ego YOU cant let go of, PRETENDING you love Jesus. Seems to me you have commited some seriously nasty shit on someone to go on about jesus the way you do. If you remember correctly, I was left in charge of this thread by the op, because I am qualified to point out only a MONKEY KING is to return, as is PROVEN, by many people all over the world, many whom believe in GOD.

Oh, look, he's been found. Google Lost city of the Monkey king.

Just look at every hand-over of the Isis space station. See each masonic astronaut's left hand over right signifying the end of their time? That time is now.


That image of a man on a cross is NOT god, but created by people, so keep jesus out of it for once, cause he's a sexual deviant, proven by your book.

This is why you try to convert those who are stupid enough to even read your pish.

Long live the MONKEY KING. I got the meassage.

The return of your son of god is nothing more than the rebirth of an aquarian monkey.

This means Jesus is alive today, born an aquarian monkey. I prefer the name RA, but I'll stick with Pachacouti here, a MONKEY reborn in 2012.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 17, 2020, 03:53:01 AM
Your "countless examples" consist only of man-made machines. What about machines that are not man-made? Can you show that they also have makers? There are certainly many more examples of machines that are not man-made than there are of man-made machines, so if it were actually true that you could use odds to prove something in this case, you would still be wrong.
Can you show even one example of a machine that you absolutely know does not have a maker? Our vast experience is that machines have makers, without even one example of a machine not having a maker.
So here are examples of non-manmade machines with no maker: ribosomes (protein synthesizer), clouds (electrical generator), rivers (rock crusher), rain (irrigation). Of course I could go on and this list would be much longer than your list of machines with makers. Our vast experience is that most machines do not have makers, but you choose to ignore them in order to support your premise.
Prove that these machines have no maker. The Antikythera mechanism is a machine that is over 2,000 years old. We don't know who the maker was. Maybe it didn't have a maker, right? Are you serious?

You believe that God created it because you assume that there is and always has been exactly one entity (God) capable of creating the universe. I reject that assumption because there is no good reason to accept it.
Here is the good reason to accept it. We, being of the universe, only know the things of the universe. God, in creating the universe would have to be outside of it during the creation of it. We know only one thing about outside-the-universe. That one thing is "outside-the-universe." Since God created the universe, and since He was outside at the time He created, and since the outside is one (at least to our understanding), God is One.
Ok, I get it. Part of your definition of God includes everything outside of the universe. I still reject your assumption because we don't know anything about anything outside of our universe, or even that an "outside-the-universe" exists. Furthermore, even if we assume that there is an "outside-the-universe", we don't know whether it created the universe or it was created along with the universe.
I didn't say that I define God as everything outside the universe. We don't even know if the word "everything" is even a word that we can use to describe "what" is outside the universe. Non-universal things are so extremely different than things of the universe, that we don't have a way of even considering them intelligently. So, we are in somewhat of agreement about outside-the-universe.

The point is, machines have makers. There are two observations regarding machines. We know who the makers of some of them are, and we don't know who the makers of other of them are. The thing that we can't even conceive of is that machines come into existence without a maker. But that idea - some machines don't have makers - actually fits the outside-the-universe God idea, because we barely understand the concept of o-t-u at all, just like we barely understand the concept of machines without makers.

Furthermore, you are begging the question. Your statement "If something else created the universe, then the 'something else' is God"  defines God as that which created the universe, and elsewhere you try to prove that God created the universe. In other words, you are trying to prove that God created the universe by using a definition of God as the creator of the universe.
Actually, you are giving God an additional name. You are calling Him "God," and you are calling Him "Something Else." Machines have makers.

Simply stated, it is a logical fallacy to say that the creator is God, therefore God created everything. It's called begging the question. Also, stating that "machines have makers" over and over doesn't make it true.

Try fitting a Ford Piston into a Chev engine. First we have no universe. Then we have a highly complex universe, the parts of which work together well, with a physics that can't be broken. All this made by something outside of the universe that we can't even conceive of. Even if God is a corporation, still one God. But since we can't even conceive of what o-t-u would be like, all we understand is one o-t-u... one God.

Perhaps after thousands of years, and much attempting - like we haven't been trying for thousands of years already - we will finally find a machine without a maker. This concept goes entirely against any idea of machines and machinery. You seem to be moving in the direction of religion when you talk like this.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 17, 2020, 03:14:26 AM
Eh. The word "God" can be looked at as an abstraction and the concept or the term is limited by the very narrow perceptions and systems associated with the languages we use to describe the entity. How vague and incomplete, our definition.

Exactly! We barely describe God because we are so weak. In addition, with all the distractions in life, people are drawn away from searching for God to find out what He is like.

God is the creator. Then, He is the Savior. Then He is the Seeker Who tries to find lost people to save them. Wouldn't it be easier to simply start over? This shows that God is loving towards all the people He made.

Romans 11:33:
Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!

Activity: 4438
Merit: 3387
July 16, 2020, 11:35:28 PM
Your "countless examples" consist only of man-made machines. What about machines that are not man-made? Can you show that they also have makers? There are certainly many more examples of machines that are not man-made than there are of man-made machines, so if it were actually true that you could use odds to prove something in this case, you would still be wrong.
Can you show even one example of a machine that you absolutely know does not have a maker? Our vast experience is that machines have makers, without even one example of a machine not having a maker.
So here are examples of non-manmade machines with no maker: ribosomes (protein synthesizer), clouds (electrical generator), rivers (rock crusher), rain (irrigation). Of course I could go on and this list would be much longer than your list of machines with makers. Our vast experience is that most machines do not have makers, but you choose to ignore them in order to support your premise.

You believe that God created it because you assume that there is and always has been exactly one entity (God) capable of creating the universe. I reject that assumption because there is no good reason to accept it.
Here is the good reason to accept it. We, being of the universe, only know the things of the universe. God, in creating the universe would have to be outside of it during the creation of it. We know only one thing about outside-the-universe. That one thing is "outside-the-universe." Since God created the universe, and since He was outside at the time He created, and since the outside is one (at least to our understanding), God is One.
Ok, I get it. Part of your definition of God includes everything outside of the universe. I still reject your assumption because we don't know anything about anything outside of our universe, or even that an "outside-the-universe" exists. Furthermore, even if we assume that there is an "outside-the-universe", we don't know whether it created the universe or it was created along with the universe.

Furthermore, you are begging the question. Your statement "If something else created the universe, then the 'something else' is God"  defines God as that which created the universe, and elsewhere you try to prove that God created the universe. In other words, you are trying to prove that God created the universe by using a definition of God as the creator of the universe.
Actually, you are giving God an additional name. You are calling Him "God," and you are calling Him "Something Else." Machines have makers.

Simply stated, it is a logical fallacy to say that the creator is God, therefore God created everything. It's called begging the question. Also, stating that "machines have makers" over and over doesn't make it true.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 16, 2020, 10:03:48 PM
1. Your classification of the universe as a machine would allow anything to be classified as a machine, so it is not meaningful. - You are starting to get it. Even energies lever off other energies.
2. You have not shown that a machine must have a maker and cannot exist without one. You assume it based on your biased observations. Lack of observations of a black swan do not prove that one doesn't exist. - There is no example whatsoever of a machine existing without a maker. Yet there are  countless examples of machines where we know who the maker is. Scientifically, when the odds are zero in one direction, and countless in the other direction... science considers that to be proof.

Your "countless examples" consist only of man-made machines. What about machines that are not man-made? Can you show that they also have makers? There are certainly many more examples of machines that are not man-made than there are of man-made machines, so if it were actually true that you could use odds to prove something in this case, you would still be wrong.
Can you show even one example of a machine that you absolutely know does not have a maker? Our vast experience is that machines have makers, without even one example of a machine not having a maker.

3. You say that a god must be the creator of the universe because it is able to create it. That does not preclude something else from creating the universe. Perhaps your god found or inherited or even stole the universe after something else created it?

I didn't really say that. If something else created the universe, then the "something else" is God. Why? The nature of the universe is such that it would take a God by our dictionary and encyclopedia definition of "God" to create it. My god doesn't have anything to do with it. We are talking about God... He who is everybody's God... even the God of those who don't understand that God exists.

You don't know that the universe was created by the entity that you call "God". The fact that "the nature of the universe is such that it would take a God [to create it]" does not imply that God created it.
You seem to be attempting to bring my God into it. My God is not applicable. The Creator is simply God. Machines have makers. The machine universe is complex enough that a man can't create it, except, perhaps, if he is God. That wouldn't be you, would it?

You believe that God created it because you assume that there is and always has been exactly one entity (God) capable of creating the universe. I reject that assumption because there is no good reason to accept it.
Here is the good reason to accept it. We, being of the universe, only know the things of the universe. God, in creating the universe would have to be outside of it during the creation of it. We know only one thing about outside-the-universe. That one thing is "outside-the-universe." Since God created the universe, and since He was outside at the time He created, and since the outside is one (at least to our understanding), God is One.

Furthermore, you are begging the question. Your statement "If something else created the universe, then the 'something else' is God"  defines God as that which created the universe, and elsewhere you try to prove that God created the universe. In other words, you are trying to prove that God created the universe by using a definition of God as the creator of the universe.

Actually, you are giving God an additional name. You are calling Him "God," and you are calling Him "Something Else." Machines have makers.

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