
Topic: Scientific proof that God exists? - page 18. (Read 845591 times)

Activity: 4438
Merit: 3387
July 16, 2020, 09:27:08 PM
1. Your classification of the universe as a machine would allow anything to be classified as a machine, so it is not meaningful. - You are starting to get it. Even energies lever off other energies.
2. You have not shown that a machine must have a maker and cannot exist without one. You assume it based on your biased observations. Lack of observations of a black swan do not prove that one doesn't exist. - There is no example whatsoever of a machine existing without a maker. Yet there are  countless examples of machines where we know who the maker is. Scientifically, when the odds are zero in one direction, and countless in the other direction... science considers that to be proof.

Your "countless examples" consist only of man-made machines. What about machines that are not man-made? Can you show that they also have makers? There are certainly many more examples of machines that are not man-made than there are of man-made machines, so if it were actually true that you could use odds to prove something in this case, you would still be wrong.

3. You say that a god must be the creator of the universe because it is able to create it. That does not preclude something else from creating the universe. Perhaps your god found or inherited or even stole the universe after something else created it?

I didn't really say that. If something else created the universe, then the "something else" is God. Why? The nature of the universe is such that it would take a God by our dictionary and encyclopedia definition of "God" to create it. My god doesn't have anything to do with it. We are talking about God... He who is everybody's God... even the God of those who don't understand that God exists.

You don't know that the universe was created by the entity that you call "God". The fact that "the nature of the universe is such that it would take a God [to create it]" does not imply that God created it. You believe that God created it because you assume that there is and always has been exactly one entity (God) capable of creating the universe. I reject that assumption because there is no good reason to accept it.

Furthermore, you are begging the question. Your statement "If something else created the universe, then the 'something else' is God"  defines God as that which created the universe, and elsewhere you try to prove that God created the universe. In other words, you are trying to prove that God created the universe by using a definition of God as the creator of the universe.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 16, 2020, 04:45:04 PM
Machines have makers. They don't just pop into existence without a maker. The machine-Maker of the universe is God. Why would this Maker have to be God? Because the power and ability that this universe-maker would have to have to make this complexity, fits our definition of the word "God."
Issues with your argument:

1. Your classification of the universe as a machine would allow anything to be classified as a machine, so it is not meaningful. - You are starting to get it. Even energies lever off other energies.
2. You have not shown that a machine must have a maker and cannot exist without one. You assume it based on your biased observations. Lack of observations of a black swan do not prove that one doesn't exist. - There is no example whatsoever of a machine existing without a maker. Yet there are  countless examples of machines where we know who the maker is. Scientifically, when the odds are zero in one direction, and countless in the other direction... science considers that to be proof.
3. You say that a god must be the creator of the universe because it is able to create it. That does not preclude something else from creating the universe. Perhaps your god found or inherited or even stole the universe after something else created it?

I didn't really say that. If something else created the universe, then the "something else" is God. Why? The nature of the universe is such that it would take a God by our dictionary and encyclopedia definition of "God" to create it. My god doesn't have anything to do with it. We are talking about God... He who is everybody's God... even the God of those who don't understand that God exists.

Activity: 4438
Merit: 3387
July 16, 2020, 03:56:29 PM
Machines have makers. They don't just pop into existence without a maker. The machine-Maker of the universe is God. Why would this Maker have to be God? Because the power and ability that this universe-maker would have to have to make this complexity, fits our definition of the word "God."
Issues with your argument:

1. Your classification of the universe as a machine would allow anything to be classified as a machine, so it is not meaningful.
2. You have not shown that a machine must have a maker and cannot exist without one. You assume it based on your biased observations. Lack of observations of a black swan do not prove that one doesn't exist.
3. You say that a god must be the creator of the universe because it is able to create it. That does not preclude something else from creating the universe. Perhaps your god found or inherited or even stole the universe after something else created it?
copper member
Activity: 2562
Merit: 2510
Spear the bees
July 16, 2020, 01:29:02 PM
Eh. The word "God" can be looked at as an abstraction and the concept or the term is limited by the very narrow perceptions and systems associated with the languages we use to describe the entity. How vague and incomplete, our definition.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 15, 2020, 07:40:29 PM

I do make sense BADecker, you dont, you cant argue with the amount of people that have read your pish.

Now why would I want to argue with you? Lol! You are doing a good enough job of arguing with yourself. Cheesy

Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 15, 2020, 11:22:01 AM
By now you'd have seen the Lost city of the Monkey king. Strange how out of the Many cultures that point out a new human will be re-born, a monkey aquarian, cultures that existed before the bible, all pointing to a Monkey King being re-born. Only in the paedophiliac book called the bible is this made out to be a man. Strange that a succubus or incubus gave birth to a human freak called jesus in a virginial way, since sleeping with either succubus or incubus IS how mary got pregger's...

Thousands of years ago, succubus or incubus was how people had babies, and women's religions killed anyone who dared say it was him that did it.

I do make sense BADecker, you dont, you cant argue with the amount of people that have read your pish.

God is a MONKEY you know and others fear will live with them, hold them, and live with them always... holding them down on the cross of tesyract's.

This is from books far older than your paedo book, which is nothing more than a license to kill your firstborn. And fuck with kiddies.

Your lies are backed up by masonic sex case's everywhere, but NO-ONE else. FACT.

God is proven indeed.

Your all praying you dont get the virus. I hope you all do.

It's not a dead person your praying to.

Oh wait a minute.. god is not a person.

I found god jaweh is NOT god the almighty blah blah, but 7th after.

The Monkey KING will look you in the eve's forever upon your death.

God has nothing to do with it.

Freak babysacrificers do.

Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva.
Father, Son (jesus, aka all seeing eye), Lucifer.

Nuff sed.

I proved the Monkey king. Just wait till you see the statue, buried for now, but currently being dug up. Too big to move, so how did they move it to bury it? They buried it because masons fear the monkey, and cannot escape him. Bet on it.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 13, 2020, 06:29:48 AM
Sorry to say my opinions, there is no God. There is no Adam and Eve. Bible is only manmade to trick people.

What do you base your opinion on?

The Bible is a record of the history of a nation... Israel. The history of Israel shows us a nation that has been destroyed and come back again, against all odds.

The Bible has influenced the lives of billions over the years. How could it be trickery and be so strong? For example. The Bible is the most printed book anywhere. It has more than twice as many copies as the next most printed book. Why would people print a book of stories if there wasn't some kind of power in it?

But that is talk about the Bible. It isn't science, except for the odds of it happening the way it did. As we are getting into science about God, we of the science age are coming closer to proving God than any other age. For example, everything in the universe is machinery. The construction of the universe is machines upon machines and within machines. There are mechanical levers and energy levers, just as you find in the various man-made machines. But universe machines are way more complex.

Nobody ever heard of a machine being made by accident. The more complex the machine, the more complex its maker... complex in thought, design, and capability.

All man-made machines are taken, by man, out of the machinery of the universe. There is nothing that man does and makes that is not a machine of sorts, and is not taken out of stuff of the universe. It is only in the age of science that we are finally recognizing, with scientific precision, that everything is complex machinery of highly complex design.

Machines have makers. They don't just pop into existence without a maker. The machine-Maker of the universe is God. Why would this Maker have to be God? Because the power and ability that this universe-maker would have to have to make this complexity, fits our definition of the word "God."

Having an opinion that God doesn't exist, is to have an opinion against science.

copper member
Activity: 112
Merit: 0
July 12, 2020, 07:37:20 PM
Sorry to say my opinions, there is no God. There is no Adam and Eve. Bible is only manmade to trick people.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 12, 2020, 05:51:00 PM
^^^ I can easily show you what you are talking like. Here it is, even though this might be only a small part of it:

Again. The historical records known as the Bible, go back to Moses about 1500 BC. Moses, a prince of Egypt having access to the records of all times before Egypt, while at the same time being called by God, was given power by God to do great things for God and God's people.

One of the best things that Moses did was to show us the timeline of the world, from when God created the universe, up to the time of Israel's entrance into the Promised Land.

From that point we can follow the timeline (with difficulty) to the present, on our own, through archeological digs and outside historical records.

Our current, popular Bible is corrupted in a tiny, tiny way that it doesn't quite show the years accurately. We are blessed that we have the records of Josephus and the Septuagint that show the timeline almost exact.

All you have is a bunch of talk. What you call records has no strength. It's like the science fiction listed at the website I provided above.

Now don't get me wrong. It doesn't bother me one little bit that you think as you do. You are welcome to all the fiction that you want. It will be on your own head in the Judgment. And if you have followers, their destruction will be on your head along with their own heads, in the Judgment. I wouldn't want to take that freedom from you. Even God doesn't want to take your freedom from you... so that you change when you don't want to change.

However, when you are in the torment of Hell, even God won't want to listen to your complaining cries throughout eternity. Rather, He will leave you entirely, then, just as you are essentially asking Him to by pushing Him away from you in your beliefs now.

The universe acts as a machine of machines. Machines have makers. God is the Maker of machine universe. One of the simpler proofs for God.

Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 12, 2020, 04:32:43 PM
I'm trying to finish up here, because I have seriously found myself. That I cannot deny, is knowing that, according to western/eastern astrology, a person born on 8.2.69 is a monkey aquarian, ruler of the underground/underworld. The ruler of the underworld in egyptian godology, is RA. Ra in chinese astrology, is the Monkey. The on Earth version of Ra is Re-Atum. The transformation of Re-Atum to Ra, is derived thus: Re-Atum translated is Ra AMEN, source of the bible's Amen, AMEN!

You really have no idea what it's like BADecker. The return of someone whom literature point's to. A year of return to look to as the sphinx and the moai look to, the sign of the lunar monkey. This is why nothing is ever found, too busy using the Sun, instead of the moon, forgetting the three pyramids are a pyramid of the sun, a pyramid of the moon, and a pyramid of the feathered serpent. To be saved, one just needs to understand the yakuza. They dont kill those they deem stupid, those still with a soul, who know nothing of their vision. being this person WITH a soul is THE saving grace. Having enough faith not to choose the darkened way.

Imagine what would be going through Jesus's mind if he was here right now. He'd be lost in a world of lie's and deception, created by your brethren. He'd be as wise AS serpent's, but not one. He'd remember the journey from death into life, and he'd know what they'd all deny. That those you break bread with, ARE that serpent race in man. The cross is a serpent symbol, and why jesus was nailed to one, by the serpentiomans, (romans) He may reveal himself to you, but you'd cast him aside as you do me, because I dont fit the narrative.

But this the 21st century, and evil should be fought with a different kind of evil...

Bring on Furious the Monkey, the Monkey mind in me.

And again, please dont take my below the belt comments personally, they're just figuritive ways of coming across as i would while we are chinking beers Wink

Amen = Egyptian goddess or WATER. kinda like why you use holy water in the first place.
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 12, 2020, 03:31:12 PM
Ah, oh man. May I guide the eye to google a video: Lost city of the Monkey KING! That same monkey who is to be reborn in 2012.

So it is fair for me to say, jesus was a monkey in the flesh, hah, cause thats what all ancient cultures believed. The only difference in who is coming back is in name alone.
sr. member
Activity: 1344
Merit: 250
July 12, 2020, 10:50:23 AM
I do not need proof of the existence of God I believe in god is one you must know the earth, the sun and planets were created by Allah Almighty hear to a man if you think clearly there you are sure to ask yourself to what I created god he can not be seen if you are still alive when you die and go to heaven there to see the creator of the whole universe.
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 12, 2020, 05:39:19 AM
Your book is a book of wiccan magic, of vampirism, and sexual deviancy. 

God exists. Jaweh is 7th from the throne of the almighty.

This heirarchy is taken from the bible, in particular, the tables of angels and demons. In them is the monkey you deny.

Jesus is the all seeing eye.

Go fuck yourself, am done here, I've revealed the masonic secrets revealed to me, an uninitiated monkey, bringing the curse upon all wiccans. Including you, son of a mason and wiccan alike.

Your indignation and contempt for the word of god, is blatantly obvious, in that you deny all not like you, just like wiccan masons do.

Your just as bad as them.

Sex case.

God is proven by you making us pray to god to devour your soul
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 11, 2020, 10:13:45 AM
BADecker, thank you, for most of what you have written of here, as the same reasoning backs up my proofs. This is a thread about god, not a puny human who is constantly reborn. By definition, using your wording, I have done the same. Proven the eye in the sky, included on the dollar bill. Proven a Monkey, written of throughout history by your religion, your people. The bible is an amalgamation of stolen religious literature taken from those they killed to hide the fact it was stolen, and amalgamated into a reason to kill ANYONE.

The eye in the sky is only in your mind, and IS Jesus, aka Vishnu, aka SON OF GOD. How does god see everything? To open the Pineal Gland is to see the eye in the sky. The bible is nothing more than a record of wiccan masonic magick hidden in the guise of a book about god and jesus, and why masons wont say jesus in church. To set yourself up on the cross of tesyract's as the crucified Jesus, you are held by a Monkey King, for even jesus is held by this Majestic Monkey. If this was NOT true, Jesus would not be Able to be reborn, for it is the sould that protect's his dead body, while his spirit lives on, allowing him to be reborn.

So I'll keep my faith in a monkey knowing it is the higher intelligence in man, as opposed to the base intelligence of the lower serpent class.

- So, you have a BOOK OF STRENGTH like the Bible for backing up your so-called proofs?
- No, the thread is not about god. It's about God. And why do you mention something like a "puny human who is constantly reborn?" Sounds like you are throwing in reincarnation in a vague way for some reason.
- Your proofs for eye in the sky and monkeys are silly talk. They go back to the Egyptian religions that were proven to be weaker than Moses. What does my religion have to do with it? You don't even know what my religion is.
- It's the other way around... amalgamation. Satan knows a lot. He simply took from the anticipated future, and wrote into the false religions he set up, a few things that would be written into the Bible, later. In addition, when Israel people turned from God, some of the priests and prophets talked to the people on their level, by showing them how the things they were ascribing to false gods, were really things of the real God.

- Why are you talking about an eye in the sky? God knows everything by cause and effect, which He set in place, and constantly regulates as free will dictates.
- Satan has convinced you to look at things backward. Where is the strength? It certainly isn't in wiccan books. Rather, strength is in the out-in-the-open Bible. What other nation has been destroyed, while not being destroyed at all, and produced a Book that touches the spirits of people around the world, and then become a nation after 1900 years, again?
- That's a lot of blabber about Jesus. None of it is written in the Bible. Anybody can make up stories like that.

- Since you can't seem to make any sense, and since you would rather believe in guesswork than in logic and record... I'll pray for you, and have already. Let's hope you turn before you don't have any time left to turn.

Now, about scientific proof for or against God...

Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 11, 2020, 09:44:28 AM
BADecker, thank you, for most of what you have written of here, as the same reasoning backs up my proofs. This is a thread about god, not a puny human who is constantly reborn. By definition, using your wording, I have done the same. Proven the eye in the sky, included on the dollar bill. Proven a Monkey, written of throughout history by your religion, your people. The bible is an amalgamation of stolen religious literature taken from those they killed to hide the fact it was stolen, and amalgamated into a reason to kill ANYONE.

The eye in the sky is only in your mind, and IS Jesus, aka Vishnu, aka SON OF GOD. How does god see everything? To open the Pineal Gland is to see the eye in the sky. The bible is nothing more than a record of wiccan masonic magick hidden in the guise of a book about god and jesus, and why masons wont say jesus in church. To set yourself up on the cross of tesyract's as the crucified Jesus, you are held by a Monkey King, for even jesus is held by this Majestic Monkey. If this was NOT true, Jesus would not be Able to be reborn, for it is the sould that protect's his dead body, while his spirit lives on, allowing him to be reborn.

So I'll keep my faith in a monkey knowing it is the higher intelligence in man, as opposed to the base intelligence of the lower serpent class.

Oh, and I'd like to point out again, Israel is not the Isle of Ra the Lord. Israel's strength is the same as their masonic brethrens all over the world, bro jew putin is bro trumps bro, they rule at the point of a gun.

The only strength masons have is bullets. Bullets and paedophiles, and safety in numbers.

Ps, soz for so many edit's, they eye's aint what they used to be..
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 11, 2020, 09:10:14 AM
^^^ That's approximately where you are missing it.

Anybody can think himself into all kinds of revelations. Consider Stockholm Syndrome. Somebody who believed strongly in such and such (or so he thought), suddenly changes his mind to save his life (he thinks). And he really adopts his new faith, just to save his life (he thinks).

The difference with the Bible is a strong tradition among a whole race of people that the Bible is a record of events, and not just some book written by some high masonic priest, or some other joker. As I have said in previous posts, the power of Moses was displayed to be stronger than the power of the Egyptian priests who opposed him. Why? Because the power of the truth from God is stronger than the power of Satan through the Egyptian priests.

How do we know that the Bible is record? The same way we know that the court cases in the USA courts are record. These court cases were not just something made up by a few jokers, and set up to be real. Rather, they have process behind them that shows they are records, and not fiction novels. Same with the people of Israel and the Bible. The difference is the processes.

The strength of the nation of Israel lies in the fact that, here it is, back again, after being destroyed for 1900 years. Almost the whole nation turned against God. He destroyed them 70 AD. But because of His promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the nation is back again.

All you need to do is research it. Such research might take a few days out of your life. But there is strength in the Bible and the nation it is a record from, because God is informing us all of the truth in that way.

Whatever your revelations might be, if they are from some books of record, or if they are from your imagination, or if they are from some spirits talking to you, or whatever, if they don't match the Bible, they don't have strength. Their source will be found out to be lies. Let's hope you will find the truth of the Bible, and stick to it, before you are lost forever.

So, when are we going to get back on topic for this thread, and start talking about the scientific proof for the existence of God? Of course, the Bible is part of the proof. But the way we are talking about it doesn't seem to be pointing at the proof idea so much.

Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 11, 2020, 08:41:42 AM
Badecker, I am NOT just like everyone else except as a physical form. I am not a baby sacrificer. I KNOW the eye in the sky see's what I do, think, speak, your bro's gave that away. I know this sight is NOT of god, yet created by. Too many flaws in masonic literature... notice they only promote each others works whilst denying all non-bro's? NOtice these ARE the slave traders. The racists.. the child killers... profitting from the insanity of the voice identified as lucifer in their mind that they all share at the same time. In this they cannot be divided. They have become tooo proud, so much so, that half the proof's I have written of here, have since appeared on tv in movies, kids programs, and schools.

As these masonic sex case's seperate us more and more from our children, for now very obvious reasons, I wonder why you cannot accept, that millions more bro's than YOU know what I write is true.

You may have set yourself up on the cross of tesyract's, however, every thousand years, the light must shine on my body, that I may hold you all until judgement day... the day of my death.

When evil will see itself, (I see the Monkey in me) and you all fuckin die Smiley

And I'd like to point out, that according to you, Jesus died for our sins. No he did not. If he did, it would be a waste of time awaiting his return.

Is it the same leaf that grows on a tree the year after it falls? Or a remix of the same old tune?
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 11, 2020, 08:23:05 AM
In the 50's, a russian contractor to some secret base awoke to find a bag of gold liquid on his chest. He looks to the Cia operative, who state's if he does not come back with required information at the end of each day, he will not refill the bag with this gold liquid. The russian went about his business each day, but one day, he ran out and the Cia man was late, as he started to shake, he felt the fear of dying.

The Cia man was running late, but filled the bag, and asks for the informationn of the day, but the russian states that he was in such a panic that he left the inf at work. Given one last chance, he sit's alone at night. He decide's to rip bag from chest and dies.

The bag was recovered by the kgb, who analysed the liquid, and later this liquid was sold to the scot's, it's called...

Tennents Lager.

How to get the bro's to talk is easier than you think Wink
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 11, 2020, 07:26:42 AM
In the never ending circle of confuse and lose tactics employed by every baby murderer called a freemason, we hear the same thing, see the same thing... lips that no longer meet where they used to, after suckin off so many bro's... if one were to read the story of hubbard and a suitcase...

I sat with bro Nick Splinter Smith, and ask, so why are your kind afraid of me? He answer's, because you have the knowledge, but we cannot see a part of you.

Oh really I state, and ask, surely you's must have this knowledge knowing all future lives of soul?

His reply: But you have the old knowledge, a long forgotten knowledge....

So I know something you's dont?

Nod's head.

His wife, ex wife of Mr Nice, dope dealer of the '70's, point's out she cannot see my aura...

Bro Gavin Retter, one letter short of a Fretter (something to be rid of) point's out the masonic god is death... I point out this diety is a monkey.

Bro Phildo state's, it's like being held down. Paralysed, awake, unable to move. I ask, so that's why the masons have their swords pointing at the deceased soon to be reborn bro? Nods.

Who holds you down ask's Bro Sonny...

Who never lied to you he ask's...

After a few guess's, I receive the answer 'LUCIFER'

Then Bro Keith Marshal litteraly gives the decription of Dragons, and sirazimuth's unicorn's, descibing why the doctors take a sample of a new born child's blood from the soul's of their feet. Why IS the souls of the feet called a soul? Because at birth, the wiccan masonic witch loving vampire scum sample our kids soul, and blood to make them one with them, never mind drink the blood... Then the journey down the void is described, losing the sight of the soul, which is then replaced by the sight of the spirit, as described in the vision of hermes, itself, a book older than the bible, written in heiroglyphs in the pyramid. The serpent race that awaits the baby sacrificers wait to take them to meet the monkey, death, who cast's them into the umteen levels of hell described in countless masonic books, paintings. As for his and Bro Gavin Retter' decriptions of their alien spacecraft..

The aliens are nothing more than the oldest vampires on earth. Their eyes are so big because they are afraid of the light. They have no vital organs, for they invaded a dead body which has no more use for them. The knight's templar carried a head in a bag, that same head portrayed in Tom Cruise's version of the MUMMY, special emphasis, is placed on Tom Cruise looking at this skull, again, shown at the end of the movie.

To quote Jesus: Nothing new under the Sun. We've had spacecraft since before Jesus. We've had the internet, before Jesus, We've done all this, over and over and over... This is the secret on earth even few of them know. Problem is, you forgett dying.. but dejave reminds you, we've done all this before.

See? The Monkey Knows of the masonic betrayel of the MOnkey's secret's. If we are indeed 1, these are MY secrets. And freemasonry must pay for revealling such secret's to the uninitiated, of which I am clearly one.

Now as for the universal mind they share, they are nothing more than a borg entity. Privacy does not exist to these people, just watch dr strange, and firewall their spirit. (light a candle at night)

By giving them as much as a single penny, you support their beastiality of your children, the ones you sacrificed by letting them get beasted.

Yeah, it's not that I got too much time on my hands, but that this is my time, you are out of it.
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
July 11, 2020, 06:51:44 AM

Me, I'm just James.

Well of course you are. Jesus Died on the cross for your sins (along with everybody else's). Since then you are just, just like everybody.

Now it's time to acknowledge Jesus-salvation, so that you have a chance to be sanctified along with Jesus-believing Christians. If you don't justly accept Christianity, and start sanctifying yourself (the Holy Spirit will help you), you will wind up finding your just place in Hell following the resurrection.


I would not take the masonic initiation you call jesus-salvation, because as so many world wide religions point out, someone came back in 2012, did jesus? You cant prove either, but your bro's around me know different. For Jesus to be true, he'd have to be walking earth right now, more powerfull than all that went before, and being re-born, he too will have to make the choice AGAIN...

Typical masonic paedophile scum... at the end of their time they thought would last longer... not if I take the initiation.
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