So this is your proof:
There you have it. The evidences for God are in the machine-like qualities of the universe (machines have makers), the fact of cause and effect as the example of design, the evidences of the majorities of people being at least religious, and the fact of the strength of frustrated people who embrace the religion of atheism.
Such strength of faith you have! You are willing and able to push the untold quadrillions of pieces of evidence for the existence of God out of your life, and embrace the extremely fewer pieces of evidence that suggest that God doesn't exist. God would like to have people of your strength of faith in His Kingdom.
God is our friend. Come and join us in seeking Him, so that we can find a clarification of the reasons He has caused us to exist.
The evidence of god is in the machine-like qualities of the universe (what?) You say machines have makers but makers also have makers so the question arrives, where does god come from then if anything has to be made by something else. Other "evidence" of God is that people believe in God? So because people believe in ghosts, ghosts must exist right? The religion of atheism?? Atheism is simply not believing in God nothing more and nothing else. Of course the proofs for god non existing are few, no shit. what proofs do you have for the non existence of ghosts? Quadrilions of pieces for the existance of god? More like quadrilions of pieces of existance for evolution
He is God, remember? He isn't "made" by any method we would even have an inkling of. Perhaps in His existence He isn't made at all. Perhaps he simply always existed. We are so remote and so tiny in our little spot in the universe that, how can we understand anything about God, except when He reveals Himself to us, and that which He "wills" us to understand?
Atheism is a religion because, to suggest that there is no god, one needs to completely ignore the tremendous quantity of evidences that I have pointed out in my post at When all these evidences are ignored, the belief that there is no God becomes a religious belief, because there are way more evidences for God than against Him.
We haven't gotten to the point of whether or not evolution is God. Because of the greatness of the things listed in my link, God exists.
God exists. Our job should be finding out about Him, not trying to play with all the "stuff" of the universe to figure things out that we may not even be able to understand.