Your book is the only one (truth) that should be explored?
saying that you know Phoenix Journals are a lie
when it is already known that you have no idea
about anything contained in those writings.
There you go again, saying that I said, knowing that I didn't say what you said I said. I didn't say that the Phoenix Journals are a lie. I said that if the Phoenix Journals say that they are the Word of God, and if they don't at least have some of the Word of God from the Bible in them, or that they don't at least have some "missed" Word of God from the ancient past in them, then they are not the Word of God. I don't need to know what they say. I don't care what they say. The fact that you claim that they are at least in part the Word of God, shows that YOU are the liar, if they don't have the Word of God from the Bible in them.
Nobody who is looking for God needs the Phoenix Journals. Why not. Because they already have the Word of God in the Bible. Get the Word straight from the only place that has It written well, the Bible.
If you are looking for other things - not the Word of God - maybe you can find them in the Phoenix Journals. But that wasn't what this topic was all about. So, dump the Phoenix Journals. You don't need them for finding God. More than likely they will mix you all up if you are looking for God.