You persistently, and erroneously, cite entropy to support your creationist argument when, the truth is, you are misrepresenting the concept.
You keep on spouting this same old line, without examining the facts about practical entropy.
PZ Myers put it: "The second law of thermodynamics argument is one of the hoariest, silliest claims in the creationist collection. It's self-refuting. Point to the creationist: ask whether he was a baby once. Has he grown? Has he become larger and more complex? Isn't he standing there in violation of the second law himself? Demand that he immediately regress to a slimy puddle of mingled menses and semen.
In everything we see naturally, the 2nd Law appears to be at work. There might be theory or twisted math that suggests otherwise, but there is also supporting math.
The complex operations regarding action and reaction involved in the growing of a baby into a person cannot be followed. Therefore, the "baby" example above is meaningless. After all, you need to consider all kinds of things, including size of the baby and the single cell pre-fetus, and everything including the fact that the baby will get old and die one day.
This is a totally erroneous application of opposition to the 2nd Law.
You claim that the natural order of things is not to become more complex, yet they can and do become more complex, so you crowbar in, not a rational explanation which employs an understanding of physics, chemistry and biology which easily serve to describe the process by which complexity arises but, instead, you declare ignorance of such things EXCEPT for your claim that you *know* it is an intelligent designer making this complexity?
As I said, you are misusing the term 'entropy'.
The simple swinging pendulum shows that entropy acts throughout. The final times before entropy causes the state of the universe to be evenly distributed material and energy throughout, will be very lengthy? Why? Because, just like heat flows more rapidly between objects that have a great temperature difference, and even as heat flow between objects of similar temperature is much slower, even so the last moments of entropy will take an eternity, except for one thing...
... Let me contradict myself. Time is affected by entropy, as well. As time coalesces into uniformity, it will cause an apparent speeding up of the material/energy coalescing. Personally, I think we can see this happening in the increased rate of maturation of children.
The result will be non-existence of this whole universe, as predicted by the Revelation in the Bible.
In actuality, as opposed to being in a state of complete disorder upon achieving maximum entropy, the universe has instead homogenized and become more uniform. In very simple terms, maximum entropy ≠ disorder, get it? It is on a basis similar to this that scientific educators have recognized that the disorder terminology, while simple and easy to comprehend, is an oversimplification at best, and a misleading false analogy at worst. As a result, disorder terminology has been largely phased out; most chemistry textbooks, for example, have removed (or at least heavily edited out) the disorder terminology.[2] Of utmost importance, entropy is an energetic phenomenon, and only tangentially has to do with the distribution of matter in a system.
What does this have to do with anything? The entropy of order and disorder both will bring about a cataclysm that will entirely destroy all things in ways that we don't have a clue about.
The point is this. There are only two places we see complex machinery in this universe. They are: 1) man-made complex machinery, and; 2) the far greater complex machinery of the universe itself.
The point we are looking for is proof for or of God. Since:
A. All man's machinery is taken from his examination of the machinery of the universe;
B. The universe's machinery is way more complex than man's, even beyond understanding;
C. The flow of cause and effect that directs man into making complex machinery comes from the machinery of the universe, as well;
D. The result is that Whatever or Whoever God is, be God the universe itself or Something Else, either inside or outside of the universe or both, God most certainly does exist, by definition of the word "God" combined with the machinery we see in the nature of the universe.
EDIT: Consider the ability of mankind to think. Since the universe directs the cause and effect actions of man, and since the result of some of that cause and effect is that man can think, how can the universe give thinking to man without having it imbedded in the universe itself in the first place?