The documentation contains how-to's on compiling the source code, the different settings and what they're used for (thinmode, testnet, ..).
It also contains a developers section in which the JSON-RPC commands are explained.
The ShadowSend section will by far be the most technical section of the whole documentation and will provide all the information needed for a cryptographic review.
A full review of the code/software will be another phase, because as it is currently the code is too long to properly integrate into the website, making it really ugly if I would.
I have and will continue to add short segments of code and documentating them whenever I see fit.
I have looked over the code, and I haven't had much problems understanding what each line of code does because the mathematical equations are often written above them in the comments.
As it currently is: any competent and motivated reviewer willing to use google and figure out how dual-key stealth addresses, ring signatures and non-interactive zero knowledge proofs work will be able to understand the code, but to make it easier for them I will be writing a compilation of crash courses on the previously mentioned concepts to make it easier for them.
Currently all information is distributed over the internet and it will require visiting many many web pages to figure everything out, our documentation will solve that.
One page to rule them all!
Thank you kewde; and thank you to all the others who have also stepped up to help; You do not need to be a mathematician to help.
This is exactly the type of can-do attitude we need to continue to propel this project forward.
Thank you and loving the smell of fresh air around here!