2. We have prioritised development over documentation at this moment in time.
Technovert is the in-house cryptographer dasource speaks of. I dont suppose TV might publish a few words about his work here on BCT or the Shadow blog? More info about the Team members was promised some months ago and I'm still none the wiser. But Id settle for a brief overview of what he's done in his own words, issued by him or even through a proxy.
The choice to go dev and not provide documentation is said to have been a community decision. Is there any evidence of a vote/discussion that you could link since I have no recollection of such a community decision? Thanks.
Finally Id like to know how many early miners there might have been. If BCT members who actually mined SDC could raise a hand for a quick count that'd be great. Personally speaking I did not mine.
Ive been in Shadow for a long time and have only really ever wanted to know more about our tech (shdowchat/shadowsend) I remember back and forthing with smooth - brings back memories.Without infos/tech discussions this thread just goes off-topic too much with geo-political and precious metal convos.
Three core devs are supposedly working full-time (Im not sure why TV couldnt do the docs while others work on coding). Without more tech interest/discussion I fear the price will tank for some time. And then how will the devs support themselves from SDC?
It may not be your job to provide reassurances or even more info, but without them this community will shrink and people will start to wander. wheatclove (where's dadon now?) and LongandShort might have their skills but running a charm offensive is not in their wheel-house. (LOL). Admittedly LnS's tongue-lashings are amongst the most savagely beautiful things ever produced in prose but even they have limited usefulness.