Your hope is lacking if you require updates every few days from the devs.
MY hope lacking??! MINE?!
Here's the animated gif you threw at me months ago after you felt I got overexcited about ShadowSend v2 (as though that were even possible). I hereby return it to you Whaetclove…
You're like the clingy, jealous girlfriend who says she trusts you but needs to see your phone every hour you're together and needs you to call her every hour you're apart.
Instead of making a big fuss here on the thread about updates, just check the irc or slack logs and post what you find instead of asking every couple days. SDCdev is on pretty much daily. Also, ffmad gives some good insight as well pretty much every other day. But you know this so I don't understand all this hubbub continuously. It makes the thread look worse than fud imo. You were the one that told me to go to slack in the first place dudemeister, don't be a hippopotocritimus.
Dev's most recent testnet release not even a week ago was pretty awesome and is really stable imho.
TL;DR: Big releases get big PR graphical pushes. Development is aggregate. Find the info and post it if you are concerned it isn't getting out there as much as it should.
As a rather new investor, I can't understand why you guys are killing child_harold. He makes a valid point. Not everyone will join slack, nor any other resource provided for many reasons both valid and banal. Whether you like it or not, the BTCtalk thread is a major resource that is the so called honey to your slack pot. This thread has to be maintained with the same alacrity as slack or whatever the heck there is. You guys kill him when he gets amped, you guys kill him when he wants news, you kill him when he questions the devs....Jesus christ. His questions are reasonable and valid. In this thread, half the time it feels like everbody's too cool for shit, the other time it's a gotta stay in lock step and not question anything, shout down the dissenters! I want to know these things as well. NO, I will not join slack. Yes, I expect updates to be posted here as well, perhaps by bot or dev or community member. This community at times feels, well, strained. C_H takes care of troll slaying, but mostly its a hipsterish attitude.
P.S Give me a second, preparing for blow back.