The fact that you're referring to Shadow as a "scamcoin" shows your complacency and the shallowness of your understanding of the underlying technology. If you were someone truly interested in transacting anonymously you'd be here praising the quality of the implementation. But rather you're here braying as the stiff and outmanoeuvred dinosaurs you've pinned your hopes to are shown for the relics they are. Shadow's solution is leaner, faster, more elegant and ultimately more effective than Dark's. You can spit, sneer and swear all you want, but the times they are a'changing. A good chunk of us came here with the same attitude, including me. Didn't take long to see that I was wrong.
Climb down off your rickshaw and hop on the maglev ffs!
Well, SDC doesn't have 5 separate pump groups coordinating to boost the price like DRK did, so, going to need to be a bit organic in this case. Doesn't mean the tech isn't real. Try for yourself. I'll send you 20 coins to play with. PM me your address.