So guys, I still struggle to see where the zk snarks and all the shit is implemented.
So, you have SDC. You turn that SDC into a token, then you send the token anonymously (exactly the way you would a cryptonote coin) to something, then you convert it back to SDC.
If you convert on one end and then convert on the other, then the conversion has to be the same size. So if someone looks at the size of the conversions then you have traced the transaction, meaning is traceable.
Moreover, one has to find tokens of the same size in the chain. Surely the wallet does that automatically.
So from what I see, in order to make the transaction untraceable, one has decouple the conversions in time.
Conclusion : So what the sdc dev did, was to substitute ring signatures for zk-snarks in zero cash.
Can someone be kind and explain if I'm getting it wrong ?
And please spare me the usual SDC rocks BS...
Say you want to send 25 shadow to someone. Your wallet converts 50 sdc to shadow, sends them to multiple completely encrypted addresses. When the 25 shadow is redeemed by the receiver, the rest of the shadow is sent to one time use, encrypted change addresses that belong to you. Input and output values are obfuscated, sender and reciever addresses are unlinkable.
OK. Thanks for the answer. That clarifies it further more, but due to the same size conversion, the transaction can't be still traced ? Or because the output and input values are obfuscated that means the conversion size is obfuscated too...or not ?
Somewhere in the disclaimer says something like this ; "you have to find tokens of the same size in the chain"
PS. I'm not a tech excuse me if I'm asking dumb questions.
As I said before, I'm trading SDC not holding, and I do like the coin.